There is wide consensus among climate scientists that the Earth is warming and that humans directly contributed to this change by burning fossil fuels. Hoover Dam itself is solid but the water of Lake Mead can force around the sides, emptying the water in a flood down the Colorado. "[and from another] "Double Tsunamis | Seattle and UK Wiped Off The Map? Can these crises and changes be attributed to magnetic pole shifts? EOZT. Major Earthquakes, Pole Shift Science, Space Weather | S0 News Feb.6.2023 - YouTube 0:00 / 2:28 Major Earthquakes, Pole Shift Science, Space Weather | S0 News Feb.6.2023. Where is the line drawn? Canada also added that it was monitoring a "potential second incident". Research theZetaTalk WebSiteand use theSearch Enginededicated to the site. Variations in the magnetic field do not affect the Earths environment at its surface. True North (located on a map) Magnetic North (the magnetic North force that a compass points to) Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. The fault line that runs along Mexico's West coast runsjust underthe Arizona border, then on up along the West Coast of California. 04 Jan 2023 16:54:35 #Poleshift #earthquake #floods February 2023 POLE SHIFT . here it is I started. In my experience and research, I have found coverup after coverup when it comes to NASA or any space program. At some points in the Earths history, there have been "geomagnetic excursions" shorter-lived but significant changes in the magnetic fields intensity. A massive derailing in East Texas along the Gulf, where the Mainland Portion is being pulled down on the western side of the New Madrid Fault Line. [and from another]US Shoots Down unknown 'High-Altitude Object' over AlaskaFebruary 11, 2023 operations continued Saturday to retrieve a "high-altitude object" shot down over the waters off Alaska. What then is likely to happen to the Hoover Dam as the pressure of the N American bow increases, as it surely will prior to the New Madrid adjustment? The political turmoil at that time was considered an opportunity, and the New Madrid Rupture is certainly considered an opportunity. Say Whaaaaat??! Over the last 200 years, it's been slowly weakening and shifting its magnetic north pole (where a compass points, not to be confused with the geographic north pole) from the Canadian Arctic. Allegedly we have the Gold back in Fort Knox. This has lately been replaced by the Quantum Financial System, which claims that with sufficient oversight bank fraud and crypto theft would not occur. This drama is very much dependent upon the Africa Roll, which is now fully in process and unstoppable. Jammed shut, what would the water flowing into the lake above the Hoover Dam do? The magnetic field does weaken during a pole reversal, but Buis noted that plant and animal fossils from the period of the last major pole reversal "dont show any big changes.". if you dont trust NASA. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. 3612 years ago, Moses reported 40 years where he wandered just east of the volcanoes . Are these Earth Changes of the USA to the East and West USA slowly shifting as a precursor to the New Madrid Fault Event? But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next. Tehran said on Sunday that drones had attacked the plant in Isfahan late the previous evening, calling the operation unsuccessful. The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times reported that Israel was behind the attacks, citing US officials and people familiar with the operation. Welcome toEarth Changes and the Pole Shift, This free script provided by You are vibrating particles, everything you see is frequency; just vibrating at different rates. Israel also resides on the subplate, so the separation at the Dead Sea Fault Lines will increase, and Israel may also become an island. This is the start to what could become the covenant with many and the . The Magnetic North Pole moves and bounces around, however it has been making its way to this magnetic anomaly located in Russia. Biggin said, "Any current magnetic influence on the climate will be totally dwarfed by the anthropogenic influence of carbon emissions.". As of February 2019 it started moving 4 miles a month. TRACI ISAACS says: Saturday, November 30, 2019 at 17:17 UTC. However, over the last 11 years,the magneticpole has been moving very fast and is currently moving a rate of 5.25 miles ever 30 days! If not how will the financial losses and the insurance companies manage all the issues? The discussion will be closed with a new discussion opened for the following month at that time. stated on February 8, 2023 in an Instagram post. NASA is basically reporting there is "nothing to see here.,,, Pole Shift 2023 - 2025 50% - 80% Population | Remember who You Are Creepy and simple horror background music(1070744) - howlingindicator. If the establishment were wise, they would admit that Nibiru exists, ground all planes and halt all rail service and move their populace away from coast lines. ", This post was flagged as part of Facebooks efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. We stated in 2012 the Hoover Dam is vulnerable after the New Madrid Rupture occurs and the Mainland to the west of New Madrid adjusts. The proposals were never introduced beforeCongress. If one man owes another a debt, is this not absolved, while debts to the banks are? Prior ZT: is high country, mountainous, and used to the torrential rainstorms that countries near the equator and near the ocean can receive on a regular basis. [and from another] Israel was Behind Drone Attacks at Military Plant in Iran, US Media ReportJanuary 30, 2023 officials believedrone attacks at a military plantinIrans central city of Isfahan were carried out by Israel, according to US media reports. There have been train derailments in Ohio and now Texas. It is currently 71 miles from a specific point knows at the 40 degree marker. EOZT. Why are the three days of darkness so . Are these related? Seeds, hand tools, livestock, medicinal herbs, and skill sets such as carpentry and dentistry will be of value, where former accountants and hedge fund managers will be rejected by survival camps. Is Nibiru real? SOZTChina surveillance of the N America Continent has increased and changed in nature from a distinct big white balloon, easily identifiable, to a mock UFO. Accepted questions will be noted as such. Pole reversals have occurred several times in Earths geologic history. Prior ZT: Russian submarine Belgorod was noted to be absent from its berth in the Arctic on October 3, which raised speculation that Russia intended to use it as a threat against either the US or European NATO members who are refusing to capitulate to Russia on the Ukraine issue. The void will primarily be at the southern part of the Caribbean Plate, where islands will suddenly lose elevation, some sinking entirely. The outcome is dire, but if one survives the Pole-Shift in the high mountains of Luzon, for instance, then survival into the After-Time is possible by leaving the area by sailing boat and transiting to Taiwan, eastern Australia or the Island of New Guinea. Flip Flop: Why Variations in Earth's Magnetic Field Aren't Causing Today's Climate Change, Earth's Magnetosphere: Protecting Our Planet from Harmful Space Energy, A global environmental crisis 42,000 years ago, Comment on "A global environmental crisis 42,000 years ago, Response to Comment on "A global environmental crisis 42,000 years ago, Reversal of Earths magnetic poles may have triggered Neanderthal extinction and it could happen again. According to experts, pastPole Reversals happened every 12,000 years. Who would buy that politicians would resign? [and from another]Canada monitoring potential second incident of suspected spy balloonFebruary 3, 2023 from NORAD, the Canadian Armed Forces, the Department of National Defense, and other partners have been assessing the situation and working in close coordination. Experts say there isnt evidence that shows magnetic field variations are affecting climate change or causing disasters. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Prior ZT 2/10/2007: the New Madrid adjusts, Mexico will be too far to the West for the current comfort of the West Coast, which will bow in the Southern California and Arizona region. [and from another]East Palestine Train Derailment: What we know about the SituationFebruary 13, 2023 were allowed to return home last week after about 50 train cars, 10 of which carried hazardous materials,derailed in a fiery wreck on Feb. 3. While the magnetic north pole has been . Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacingthe income taxwith anational sales tax, abolishingcompound interestonsecured loans, and returning to abimetallic currency, would result in 0%inflationand a morestable economy. PolitiFact previously fact-checked the claim that humans are not causing climate change and rated it False. Who and what is forcing this? Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. The concept is ludicrous, when examined as to workability, and after an initial perk of interest, soon falls into this type of discussion onhowit would be implemented. According to deputies, a truck collided with the train, causing it to derail. the pending Pole Shift) that there will be no cash flow, no collection of taxes, and no payment of debts of any kind. 14.6K views | Using this system, all sovereign currencies are secured by gold or assets. 20006, Florida 259.7K views | Epic Music(842228) - Pavel. Likewise up along the Seaway where the Seaway itself as well as the Fault Line are pulling apart. That these significant train derailments happened together, in a blitz, means that the stretch has increased. NASA's MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) principal investigator Bruce Jakosky, with University of Colorado, Boulder, warned recently that there is evidence the Earth's magnetic field is weakening and that we would soon see a complete reversal of magnetic poles. From the daily monitoring being done on the SE Portion borders and the clasp at the Bridge, it is clear that the SE Portion has disconnected from its attachment along the Caribbean Plate. SOZTAs can be seen from the response in wave height to quakes near the Azores, a significant rupture of the Atlantic Rift near the Azores in response to a New Madrid Rupture would indeed result in a tsunami. Can we expect these kinds of claims to get common, in an effort to claim that the negative military is more powerful than our angels. Joe Biden as vice president didn't "have the right to declassify" documents. Something is mighty suspicious and strange about this supposed Chinese balloon which is now casually cascading across the US and why the heaven won't they shoot the balloon down already? [and from another] U.S. Jet Shoots Down Flying Object Over CanadaFebruary 11, 2023 ordered the take down of an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace, Mr. Trudeau said in astatement posted on Twitter. Stay informed; stock up on supplies; adhere to your true self and stop bashing others. Many people have different views on this. Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public to this discussion. And how to adjust the inequities? [and from another] Does the balloon from China have anything to do with PX? If this claim is true - and the article links to footage of what was supposedly aired in Russia - it means that Russian state television is NOT aware of what's really coming and when the natural event occurs, the majority of affected Western Europeans will think it was indeed this Russian weapon that caused it and will support a retaliatory nuclear attack on Russia. Essentially Syria had room to shift over as the subplate turned into the Mediterranean. . What's really going on here? Hundreds of thousands of years can pass between pole reversals. Mickey Mouse to be replaced as official Disney mascot.. When the human being lacks this frequency of 7.8 Hz, it can become ill both physically and mentally. "Solar wind particles entering all the way into the atmosphere might have a small influence in the overall weather and climate system, but their role is definitely much weaker than that of the current man-made climate change from greenhouse gas emissions," Korte said. If the Federal Reserve founded on an illegal contract with the Rothschilds, and their banks have been gouging for centuries with exorbitant interest rates, how to correct this? No one should be hurt there is a video on youtube. If the frequency of the atmosphere is changed, it will have effects on humans in some way. Since that period, carbon dioxide rose 40% and methane by 150%. A video shows a dog trying to reach her puppies after the Turkey-Syria earthquake. Top Tweets on February 4th 2023. Due to the bumping of the Africa Plate, which is trying to roll to the East as well as drop on its eastern border, the Sinai will turn counterclockwise by approximately 90 degrees during this process. [and from another] Officials Responding to Train Derailment in EnoreeFebruary 13, 2023 are responding to a train derailment in Enoree on Monday afternoon. There has already been trauma in theoil and gas fields of Iraqwhich are exploding when the pointed top of the Saudi Plate cuts through them during the waggling of the Saudi Plate. What will happen during the leap to the East that the SE Portion is predicted to take when the Bridge releases? Buis wrote that the position of Earths magnetic north pole has gradually drifted by more than 600 miles since 1831, when it was first precisely located. But the Nibiru cover-up lives on. This latest video presents a prediction for when the migrating poles in the northern hemisphere, hit 40 degrees from to original pole. It is unclear when the footage, which was reposted by Twitter accountTerror Alarm, was aired in Russia. The energy that drives the climate system in the upper atmosphere where electromagnetic currents exist is only a minute fraction of the energy that drives the climate system at the Earths surface, Buis said. The south pole is out in the ocean (I think). You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! EOZT. China itself is facing geological disasters and starvation for its 1.5 billion people. When the Sinai is pressed eastward at its southern tip, the entire Sinai Subplate will swing counterclockwise into the Mediterranean void. ", Additionally, changes in the Schumann Resonance could greatly effect humans as a whole! If NASA says, "everything is fine" it is finerightright? Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public to this discussion. The elite in the UK are in a panic that the people will connect the dots and realize that Nibiru is indeed responsible for these Plate Movements and demand answers from their politicians. SOZTThe SE Portion of N America wraps around the Caribbean Plate from the Eastern Edge of the Caribbean Plate to the Atlantic Rift. The Sinai is considered a platelet the Sinai Subplate. It is true! The wave will be coming., (AP Images). At the World Economic Forum, Moderna CEO Stphane Bancel admitted that his company produced 100,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines in 2019, before the pandemic started. This turns the pointed top of the Arabian Plate so it pushes through Iraq, which is what is building the mountains that separate Iraq and Iran. The Earths magnetic field, called the magnetosphere, protects against the erosion of our atmosphere by solar wind, cosmic rays from deep space and other harmful energy. 04 Jan 2023 16:54:35 . Gene talks about tests that he has created that show that the magnetic field destabilize at this point. Many loans are paid off due to this exorbitant interest, yet are on the books and subject to legal action by the banks. Pole shift in March 2023 is being kept quiet - Nexus Newsfeed Photo courtesy: Skywatch Pole shift in March 2023 is being kept quiet WE ONLY HAVE 14 MONTHS LEFT.. He said an American F-22 with the North American Aerospace Defense Command, which is operated jointly by the United States and Canada, downed the object over the Yukon Territory. Back-to-back train derailments in S Carolina run along the Appalachian fault line that runs parallel to the New Madrid. Hien H. . Thefrequency or natural earth heartbeat is at about 7.8 Hz. 2023/02/25 T00:00 - 2023//02/26 T00:00. A quiet invasion of America was in process in 2020, CCP soldiers were encountered trying to invade the Michigan Peninsula found in tunnels in Maine. 151.kundalini . accessed Feb. 13, 2023, BBC Sky at Night Magazine, "Scientists discover how a reversal of Earth's magnetic field could affect our climate," Jan. 4, 2023, PolitiFact, "Marco Rubio says humans are not causing climate change," May 13, 2014, Yale Climate Connections, Scientists agree: Climate change is real and caused by people, Feb. 17, 2022, NASA, Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate Is Warming, accessed Feb. 15, 2023. This coastline will at first find water receding, but this is a false signal and should not be trusted. ZetaTalk Chat for February 28, 2023. This July 2011 file photo shows an iceberg floating in the sea near Greenland. This is then imposed on the US citizens as a National Debt they are required to pay to the Fed. Prior ZT: do banks fail, softly or with a hard crash? Stretching from the Isthmus (where the Fault Line starts) through to the Atlantic, this border will not restrict the SE Portion when it jumps to the East. Are earthquakes associated with variations in the geomagnetic field? True North (located on a map) Magnetic North (the magnetic North force that a compass points to) Russian state TV is going to new lengths to claim how they could wipe Britain off the face of the Earth by setting off a radioactive tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean. Why? Watch "Major Earthquakes, Pole Shift Science, Space Weather | S0 News Feb.6.2023" on YouTube The Sinai is considered a platelet the Sinai Subplate. We monitored it, jammed its sensors, and gained intel on its . Comment by Nancy Lieder on Saturday. After the Passover of Nibiru/Pole-shift, we think volcanic dust gloom will last up to 40 years. One thing I CAN agree with NASA on is that this can change our weather patterns. At the present time,debt slaveryhas been imposed on the common man, and on many countries, by the IMF and western banks. On February 23 the lower MS River up to the Bridge was pale, no signs of SO2 emissions. The Earth's magnetic north pole - the point at which all compasses point to - is rapidly shifting position, according to scientists . This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. This UFO display is a reminder of earlier warnings given to Phoenix, as the time of the New Madrid Rupture is at hand. It was described as "cylindrical and silver-ish gray" and seemed to be floating. Allowing BRICS rules to replace western banks, forcing the Rothschild banks to forgive all debts that have already been paid by interest, and dissolving the National Debt would be a start. Why? Terms of Service. Prior ZT: course there is going to be trauma as the Sinai and Israel (residing on the Sinai subplate)rotate counterclockwiseduring the African Roll. Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. SOZTOf course there is going to be trauma as the Sinai and Israel (residing on the Sinai subplate) rotate counterclockwise the African Roll. An epic moment for humans on Earth and NO ONE even knows! Why is February 4 2023, so significant and is there information available that the Pole Shift is near? Ive got a bit of information from it; looking for more. But the ground can shift and thus the plethora of train derailments and breaking water and gas mains.,, View Discussions. The program is not designed to run on a conventional computer but rather on a satellite-based quantum computer. Any insight from the Zetas? However, the very sharp ravines rising up into the mountains will present a danger during the shift itself. Electrically charged stones discovered in Congo. Other theories are thata Great Solar Flash could take place; some say it will be the end; and others, like NASA say,"Though they sound scary, pole flips can take a long time to occur and pose no immediate threat.". It would rise, and flow into Los Vegas along the ravines that connect the two. stated on February 18, 2023 a Facebook post: stated on February 20, 2023 an Instagram post: stated on February 18, 2023 an Instagram post: stated on February 12, 2023 Instagram posts: stated on February 13, 2023 social media posts: stated on February 10, 2023 an Instagram post: stated on January 30, 2023 a Facebook post: stated on January 23, 2023 social media posts on January 23, 2023: stated on February 25, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 22, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 26, 2023 in an Instagram post: stated on February 27, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 15, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 26, 2023 in a video on Facebook: stated on February 25, 2023 in an Instagram post: stated on February 18, 2023 in a Facebook post: All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2020, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Seems odd otherwise. SOZTWas this spate of derailments in the US caused by the silent stretch ongoing along the New Madrid Fault Line? Twitter: @NancyLieder1. Home Edgar 2023-01-01T18:12:48-05:00. An Instagram post said "humans are not causing climate change" and blamed climate change, earthquakes and weather disturbances on magnetic pole shifts. Changes in earths Frequency will effect the human body, but will it effect it in a negative or positive way? All these matters are in Gods hands. The islands will have no such warning, but will sink suddenly in concert with the quakes. Quantum Financial System is heavily secured by Secret Space Programs (SSP), providing the highest level of security.