You can wear it below your ribbon bar on the dress uniform. Data (i.e. Tie tapes at the neck so they may be untied with one hand if necessary. COMNAVSURFOR, comprised of Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMNAVSURFPAC) and COMNAVSURFLANT, mans, trains and equips all assigned naval surface forces and supporting shore activities world-wide, ensuring capable forces for conducting prompt and sustained operations in support of United States national interests. The rollers are geared to the helm so that rotation of the wheel brings a roller in contact with a contact ring. Main Thrust Bearing - Usually located in the reduction gear casing. Has precedence over all other bridge alarms. Part of the engine room console. Generally located between the prime mover and the load. j. CIC Watch Supervisor - Maintains CIC Watch Log and supervises overall CIC enlisted actions. e. Controllable/Variable-pitch Propeller - Propeller designed to allow improved maneuvering ability and to allow the propellers to develop maximum thrust at any given engine RPM. The eye of the sea painter is lowered to the boat by means of a light line, called a lizard line. Located on the lower level of the fireroom. The card remains stationary, pointing at the magnetic pole which is a north-south line lined up with the north-south (magnetic) directions on the Earth. A "remarks" column should give the reason for equipment being down, and include any other information important to restoring equipment to full operation. Used to control reverse propulsion orders. b. The cabinet is composed of the control panel, computer indicator panel, computer control assembly system, control assembly, follow-up amplifiers, the DC power supply and a voltage regulator located in the gyro room. Ready to receive a ship alongside - at the waterline. The shafts on Kitty Hawk each weigh the same amount although the lengths are different for each. The new instruction will do away with the requirement for all first-tour Sailors to walk away from their first sea-duty command with their ESWS qualification. g. Diesel Generator Switchboards (emergency/ship's service) - Connected by feeders to at least one and usually two different ship service switchboards. f. Priority Valves - Air for non-vital systems is supplied through priority valves, which will shut automatically to secure air to non-vital components when the pressure in the air systems drops to a specified set point and will re-open to restore non-vital air when pressure in the system returns to normal. (i) Be responsible for the proper operation, care, preservation, and maintenance of the equipment and material assigned to the department. (g) Control the expenditure of funds allotted and operate the department within the limit of such funds. Ship's Control Console (SCC) - Provides for remote control of the gas turbine engine. Under no circumstances will equipment be operated or removed when tagged with Danger Tags. Uniform consists of a green helmet and jersey. The factors to be considered by the Conning Officer are basically the same as for any other multishaft ship. the estimated repair date has changed, parts status has changed significantly, additional assistance is needed, etc. each. Electric Motor - Some ships utilize diesel/electric propulsion, where the diesel powers generators that provide electric power to electric motors that are coupled to the propulsion shaft. e. Rescue swimmer - Deployed from a rescue helicopter to assist in the recovery of the victim. Loss of lube oil - Will stop and lock the shaft. 0101.5 State the purpose of the Battle Bill or the Ship's Manning Document. It is determined by the ships mean draft. (6) Steering Casualty Alarm - A means by which the pilothouse can warn the after steering station that a steering emergency has occurred and that steering must be controlled from after steering. j. c. Low water in the boiler - Secure boiler(s), shaft(s), and SSTG's. Care should be exercised to avoid contact of the primer while handling and loading of short clearing charge. e. Personnel/Boat Recall - PAPA FLAG, Personnel return/ Since a greater portion of the ship's sail area" is aft of the pivot point, winds from the port will tend to speed up a turn to starboard and slow a turn to port; and conversely, winds from the starboard side will tend to speed up a turn to port and slow a turn to starboard. c. Shipboard - Under conditions of low visibility, weather is too heavy for boat recovery or it is believed that a person fell overboard some time previously but was not seen or heard, it is desireable for the ship to turn so as to pass back down her track. b. g. Electrical Load Split - The setup for split plant operations is to open the bus ties between the ship service switchboards so that each switchboard with its generators and load forms a system that is independent of the others. (i.e. (g) Make frequent inspections in company when practicable, with subordinates concerned; and take such remedial action to correct defects as appears necessary. A single operator can search, track, classify and designate multiple targets from the active system while simultaneously maintaining anti-torpedo surveillance on the passive display. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Loose gear could affect de-watering of a space by clogging pump hoses and drains. Primary purpose is for control of the generators and distribution of power to load centers, vital equipment and major semi-vital equipment. One or two degrees of rudder is usually sufficient for amounts that may be required to hold a healing while steaming downwind. First, it provides a means of improving air traffic control (ATC) of both civil and military aircraft, identification, and code monitoring for friendly aircraft and surface vessels. (b) RADAR (RAdio Detection And Ranging) - Developed originally as a means of detecting and ranging on targets in warfare, but it has been developed to the point where it is a valuable electronic navigational aid. Includes an air pump, dye marker, first aid kit, flashlight, knife, paddles, sea anchor, signaling gear, water desalting kit and a whistle. b. CO2 Inflatable Liferafts - Provided to keep personnel out of the water and to provide shelter from the elements in the event of abandon ship. 0302.7 Describe the purpose of breast, forward and aft spring lines: Breast - keeps the ship from moving away from the pier. It is used in place of a line throwing gun. Also has some navigational equipment. q. This allows for rapid shifting from the on-service pumping unit to the standby unit and is located between the trick wheels. Officer j. In general, a flag hoist signal ensures a more uniform execution of a maneuver than does any other visual signaling system. (h) Ensure economy in the use of public money and stores. Ryan Petersen thinks so, A strategic approach to cost reduction for banks and fintechs, Study examines supply chain issues and opportunities, Instacart acquires hyper local grocery e-commerce platform, Top 5 Supply Chain Certifications that are in high demand | Top 5 Certifications, Top 5 Globally Recognized Supply Chain Certifications, 3 Best Procurement Certifications that are most valuable | Procurement Newz, Globally Recognized Supply Chain Certifications, International Institute for Procurement and Market Research (IIPMR). Determined by wind and sea conditions and set by the Delivery ship. h. Loading weapons - The greatest hazard with ammunition is not so much from instability or deterioration of the explosives, but the enormous destruction of a detonation of one round followed by instantaneous detonation of all nearby rounds. Actualizada la ltima vez por E M A R Mar 16, 2016. With the ship dead in the water, the ship pivots about a point 30 percent of the distance from the bow to the stern. (3) General - Serves to call crew to general quarters. Secondary - To control and/or assist in specific operations as delegated by proper authority, such as NGFS, ASW, etc. Located in the ignition system. d. Waste Oil Raft (WOR) - A small boat used to hold personnel who physically clean waste oil spills. 19 12 140 800 |, E| When this pinion is rotated the pinion walks around the training circle, turning the mount. c. Actions of crew - Proceed to lifeboat stations for muster and further instruction. f. Respirators - Should be worn by personnel entering or working in enclosed spaces where dust particles are present or toxic material is used or stored. Bilge water that contains oil must be pumped to a truck on the pier or stored in tanks until 50 nautical miles out to sea before it can be pumped over the side. b. Collision - A violent crash between two objects having a steady bearing and decreasing range. 0201.3 Describe the proper procedures for donning each of the following items, including the methods of water entry: a. CO2 Inflatable Lifejackets - carried in a pouch at the back and fastens around the waist. These Sailors will be enrolled in their ESWS program after 12 months onboard, or at the commanding officers discretion, and from there will have 18 months to qualify in ESWS. Supervises control of the main propulsion and auxiliary equipment. b. Zinc Chromate (yellow 84/green 84D) paint - An after pickling primer and general purpose primer suitable for exteriors. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, OPERATIONS AND DEPARTMENTS. Injectors and valves, allows fuel and air mixture to combust. The updated ESWS program is set to reinforce a culture aboard surface ships that puts emphasis on Sailors first learning their ratings and watchstations, by giving Sailors more time to focus on obtaining critical in-rate and damage control qualifications before being required to enroll into the commands ESWS program. Mainly used on aluminum surfaces. (2) Ship's Speed through the Water (less than 5 kts) -Produces a sluggish ship which is difficult to control. 0310.3 Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following enlisted watchstations in CIC: a. Brake - Used to temporarily hold chain during anchoring while the chain stopper is being let go. An Engineman (EN) or Machinist's Mate (MM) is present to operate the anchor engine, and an Electrician's Mate (EM) must be in the anchor engineroom to take care of any electrical failure. Forward Spring. f. High Pressure (HP) Turbine Throttle Valve - Controls the steam emitted to the HP-IP (High Pressure-Intermediate Pressure) turbines by means of cross-over, high pressure and cruising valves. Any strain must be taken by the riding line, and to connect or disconnect the ends must be lined up perfectly. Weapons Launching Systems - The Navy's primary operational ASW weapons today are: c. Combat Information Center (CIC) - When a contact is made, it is plotted and evaluated by CIC, which informs the captain on the bridge of the range, depth, bearing and speed of the contact. The FBR is a five-part form composed of an Original and four copies. (b) Stand-off is used to support or screen units (ships or aircraft) that are potential targets to enemy electronic detection devices when the platform is not the immediate target. Very important at GQ when lots of decisions are made.