. The program addresses the needs of students interested in studying meteorology or climate science. In 2021, he was elected to the U. S. National Academy of Engineering. By subscribing, you understand and agree that we will store, process and manage your personal information according to our. Go with me for a moment. At the University level, I also served on the 2013 UGA Provost Search Committee, the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Senate and the Center for Integrative Conservative Research (CICR) Executive Committee. Grounded in psychology, written with love, and delivered monthly to your inbox, these emails are straight from Janine's heart to yours. I was also a contributing author to a chapter in the 2007 IPCC report (AR4). Ted Turner and his Captain Planet Foundation honored Dr. Shepherd in 2014 with its Protector of the Earth Award. Dr. Shepherd is also the host of The Weather Channels Award-Winning Sunday talk show Weather Geeks, a pioneering Sunday talk podcast/show and a senior contributor to Forbes Magazine. A joke I like to tell about myself during speeches is that Im an expert in the opinions of people who dont know what theyre talking about. Dr. Shepherd serves as Director of the University of Georgias (UGA) Atmospheric Sciences Program and Full Professor in the Department of Geography where he was a previous Associate Department Head. The sources of our disagreement with climate change lie deep within us, in our values and in our sense of identity and purpose, he writes. My talk appears in the book, 'Talk Like TED.' Who doesn't like a little 'pick me up'? By subscribing, you understand and agree that we will store, process and manage your personal information according to our. United States. 1987 High School Valedictorian, Cherokee High School, Select out of 120+ publications (see CV for full publication list), 2021 Shepherd, J.M., A. Thomas, J. Santanello, J. Yoo, and P. Lawston, 2020: Warm corm structure maintenance over land: A case study analysis of Cyclone Kelvin. PI. But consider this Bank of America building, there, in Atlanta. 2017 Present, Founding partner, Georgia Climate Project. Shepherd is also the host of The Weather ChannelsWeather Geeks, a pioneering Sunday talk show dedicated to science, and he is a contributor to Forbes Magazine. What shapes our perceptions (and misperceptions) about science? and what media they trust the most (blogs and social media or public broadcasters?). Earthzine, http://earthzine.org/2016/05/31/satellite-precipitation-metrics-to-study-the-energy-water-food-nexus-within-the-backdrop-of-an-urbanized-globe/. He routinely appears on CBS Face The Nation, NOVA, The Today Show, CNN, Fox News, The Weather Channel and several others. released as Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang in the UK, co-production with StudioCanal, Relativity Media, Working Title Films, and Three Strange Angels. About J. Marshall Shepherd's TED Talk. Due perhaps to my personality type (highly rational, dont talk to me about horoscopes, please) and my background (the well-educated daughter of a high school teacher and an academic), I have grown up accepting the idea that facts persuade and emotions detract from a good argument. "They've always been connected," said J. Marshall Shepherd, a meteorologist at the University of Georgia. Understanding their emotional reactions is even more important, and that leads us from politics towards psychology. Browse the library of TED talks and speakers. Show Search. 'that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures' (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd was the 2013 President of American Meteorological Society (AMS), the nation's largest and oldest professional/science society in the atmospheric and related sciences. Atmospheric Sciences Program director to chair NASA advisory committee. Have a look at the must-watch 2018 Ted Talk by the meteorologist J Marshall Shepherd, on three kinds of bias that shape your worldview. In an eye-opening talk, meteorologist J. Marshall Shepherd explains how confirmation bias, the Dunning-Kruger effect and cognitive dissonance impact what we think we know -- and shares ideas for how we can replace them with something much more powerful: knowledge. 210 Field Street. University of Georgia professor Marshall Shepherd is the narrator of a new video series released this week by NBC Learn and the National Science Foundation. TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." Dr. Shepherd is the recipient of many awards including the 2020 Mani L. Bhaumik Award for Public Engagement with Science and the 2019 AGU Climate Communication Prize. Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick mix of trending content. 12, 127. Playlists. Ted Talks: I have delivered two TED X talks that together have nearly 2 million views. But only 50% of the public? One was featured on the TED website. Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd is the Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences. Our priority should be God and others, not ourselves. . Dr. Marshall Shepherd's research focuses primarily on hydrometeorological extremes, urban climate, and the intersections of atmospheric sciences with society. 2. Dr. Shepherd is a past editor for both the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology and Geography Compass, respectively. When social researchers like me try to analyse how a person responds to climate change messages the way they do, were measuring much, much more than just their comprehension (or not) of the climate science. Urban Meteorology). By subscribing, you understand and agree that we will store, process and manage your personal information according to our. About J. Marshall Shepherd. J. FLORANCE MINIS, a retired citizen of Savannah, Georgia, belongs to one of the historic families of this state. Our program is also notably regarded on the UGA campus and is well supported by University Administrators, including President Jere Morehead. (Total Budget. With this talk, Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd explores how examining personal biases can reshape public understanding of science. I think that one thing that shapes perceptions in the public, about science, is belief systems and biases. Think about where you get your information, how reliable it is and whether you only read the things that agree with what you want to think rather than the actual truth.. 2016 Shepherd, J.M., and P. Knox, 2016: The Paris COP21 Climate Conference: What Does It Mean for the Southeast? Not kidding, I get those, and I dont know the answer to that, the science isnt there. Every dollar givenhas a direct impact upon ourstudents and faculty. Editorships: I have served as an editor for both the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (JAMC) and Geography Compass. I've been amazed at how well received it is. J Marshall Shepherd at TED Talks. This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxUGA, an independent event. My responsibilities included scheduling departmental courses, managing faculty teaching schedules, strategic planning for external awards, and other tasks as designated by the Department Head. 1. b. Mr. Marshall is a This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxLeDroitPark, an independent event. Because it illustrates that the person tweeting doesnt understand the difference between weather and climate. And so with that comes four questions, always. Sometimes all it takes is for me to ask them how they feel about the role of government (Are you taxed too much? US research from has shown that reactions to climate change as a topic were becoming increasingly polarised along partisan lines around the late 1990s. Dr. Shepherd is originally from Canton, Georgia. In this role, we helped found and build the a consortium in the state of Georgia focused on climate science and solutions in a non-partisan, academic approach. Shepherd, 2015: The urban heat island effect and city contiguity. . Now, were probably all a little bit guilty of that at times. He challenges us to take an inventory of our biases and of the beliefs we use to prop them up. But its oh, so fundamentally scientifically flawed. In an eye-opening talk, meteorologist J. Marshall Shepherd explains how confirmation bias, the Dunning-Kruger effect and cognitive dissonance impact what we think we know and shares ideas for how we can replace them with something much more powerful: knowledge. Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd is a leading international expert in weather and climate and is the Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Georgia. 1. a. His 2013 TED talk, "Slaying the Climate Zombies" one of the most-viewed climate lectures on YouTube argues for turning climate change into a "dining room-table issue." In it, he . In 2013, he was the president of the American Meteorological Society, the nation's largest and oldest professional science society in the atmospheric and related sciences. 9. Screen Actors Guild Awards (3 nominations, 0 wins) Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture. $2000) 01/01/2021-01/01/2022 (0.1 month), UGA Office of Institutional Diversity, Assessment of Race and Heat Vulnerability in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. Why do many people dismiss issues like climate change, despite strong scientific evidence? All rights reserved. https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/abf39a. All rights reserved. The third and final bias is cognitive dissonance. Meteorologist J. Marshall Shepherd says yes! The program was approved by the State Board of Regents in August 2016. As a self-proclaimed weather geek, he often gets asked if he believes in climate change. When people encounter actions or ideas they cannot reconcile psychologically with their own beliefs, they experience discomfort. Earth Interactions. NSF, SRS RN: Sustainable and Equitable Urban Stream Corridors: Reimagining urban streams to provide social and ecological benefits to urban, suburban and rural communities. The show discusses contemporary weather and climate topics. So why dont we hear the question, Do you believe in gravity?, But of course, we hear the question, Do you believe in global warming?. Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd is a leading international expert in weather and climate and is the Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Georgia. In this role, I was a part of the scientific leadership team that interfaced with the engineers, NASA Headquarters staff, and international partners. J. Marshall Shepherd is a meteorologist, professor at the University of Georgias Department of Geography, the director of the universitys atmospheric sciences program, and was the president of the American Meteorological Society in 2013. And look at what the scientists say about those, the people that actually study those topics, in red, versus the gray, what the public thinks. All rights reserved. Nanny McPhee Returns. This is an edited extract from How to Talk About Climate Change in a Way That Makes a Difference, by Rebecca Huntley (Murdoch Books, $32.99), Finally there is real movement on Australia's climate policy but time isnt on our side | Anna Skarbek, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. UGA PI (UGA Budget, up to $1 million) 07/01/2018-6/30/21 (0.25 month), NASA, The Impact of Soil and Surface Moisture on Tropical Cyclone Reintensification Over Land. Double-click the English transcript below to play the video. Track 2 Planning Grant Co-PI, Rhett Jackson, Brian Bledsoe, Emily Bell, Marshall Shepherd, and Seth Wenger (UGA Budget, $150,000) 01/0/2020-12/30/2025 (0.1 month), NSF, ERC, Engineering Cities For Thermal Justice, Co-PI (lead at Georgia Tech), (UGA Budget, ~5 milllion). I recently suggested to my friend Ian that I would like to find a gate that I had come across a photograph of in the Canmore archive. The second bias is called Dunning-Kruger, which describes our human tendency to think we know more than we do as well as to underestimate what we dont know. Playlists. In an eye-opening talk, meteorologist J. Marshall Shepherd explains how confirmation bias, the Dunning-Kruger effect and cognitive dissonance impact what we think we know -- and shares ideas for how we can replace them with something much more powerful: knowledge. Im on Twitter. In 2016, we partnered with the Office of Preparedness to make UGA the first SEC member of the WeatherSTEM network. You never hear anyone say, Do you believe, if you go to the top of that building and throw a ball off, its going to fall? You never hear that, because gravity is a thing. 2016. A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media Dr. Shepherd was the 2016 Spring Undergraduate Commencement speaker at his 3-time Alma Mater, Florida State University. Implications of Climate Change on National Security and U.S. He is also the 2015 Recipient of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) Media Achievement award, the Florida State University Grads Made Good Award and the UGA Franklin College of Arts and Sciences Sandy Beaver Award for Excellence in Teaching. Your gift is important to us and helps support critical opportunities for students and faculty alike, including lectures, travel support, and any number of educational events that augment the classroom experience. Here's one you didn't hear about -- but should have. Prior recipients . Finding evidence that supports what we already believe. They do not reside out there, a result of our inability to grasp knowingly some ultimate physical reality.. Shepherd, 2017: The Brown Ocean Effect: Re-intensification of Landfallling Tropical Cyclones. Part 2 of the TED Radio Hour episode Bias and Perception. From 2008-2015, our program faculty has attracted over $12 million dollars in extramural grants, contributed over 110 peer-reviewed journals, and provided key experts to the media and nation on weather and climate topics. The list of Alpha Phi Alpha () brothers (commonly referred to as Alphas) includes initiated and honorary members. Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd is a leading international expert in weather and climate and is the Georgia Athletic . 2015. In an eye-opening talk, meteorologist J. Marshall Shepherd explains how confirmation bias, the Dunning-Kruger effect and cognitive dissonance impact what we think we know -- and shares ideas for how we can replace them with something much more powerful: knowledge. #climateaction #blackTikTok #biases #sciencetok". To me the Continue reading 'So humble, As a meteorologist formerly at NASA, he uses climate change as a case study, showing the disparities between what scientists . Open Translation Project. And the social dimensions of climate change can make the science look simple the laws of physics are orderly and neat but people are messy. You heard about the diversity furor at the Academy Awards. Over the 15 years Ive been a social researcher, Ive watched with concern the increasing effects of climate change, and also watched as significant chunks of the electorate voted for political parties with terrible climate change policies. This amazing book is published by a great maker Downloa. Click here to learn more about how to help us grow. My colleagues and I are also frequently sought for major media appearances or Opinion Editorials. Former Deputy Project Scientist, NASA Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission: While at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, I served as the Deputy Project Scientist on a major NASA mission seeking to measure precipitation from space. It took me much longer than it should have to realise that educating people about climate change science was not enough. Below is the full transcript of this TED Talk titled: 3 Kinds of . You see it blowing tree limbs, flags, or leaves on the ground. TED Conferences, LLC. In 2014, Ted Turner and his Captain Planet Foundation honored Dr. Shepherd with its Protector of the Earth Award. He picks three big ones. Get TED Talks picked just for you. Ted Talks: I have delivered two TED X talks that together have nearly 2 million views. Browse the library of TED talks and speakers, 100+ collections of TED Talks, for curious minds, Go deeper into fascinating topics with original video series from TED, Watch, share and create lessons with TED-Ed, Talks from independently organized local events, Inspiration delivered straight to your inbox, Take part in our events: TED, TEDGlobal and more, Find and attend local, independently organized events, Learn from TED speakers who expand on their world-changing ideas, Recommend speakers, TED Prize recipients, Fellows and more, Rules and resources to help you plan a local TEDx event, Bring TED to the non-English speaking world, Join or support innovators from around the globe, TED Conferences, past, present, and future, Details about TED's world-changing initiatives, Updates from TED and highlights from our global community, 2,848,629 views | J. Marshall Shepherd TEDxUGA. He has been a significant founding partner in the Georgia Climate Project as well. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Were analysing the way they see the world, their politics, values, cultural identity, even their gender identity. Playlists. UNDUE INFLUENCE: OPERATION HIGHER COURT AND POLITICKING AT SCOTUS Gene Hackman, Danny Glover, David Marshall Grant, Jerry Reed, Clayton Rohner: Biography, War: Based on a book by William Charles Anderson: Beaches: Garry Marshall: Bette Midler, Barbara Hershey, John Heard, James Read, Lainie Kazan, Spalding Gray: Drama: Based on a novel by Iris Rainer Dart: The Beast: Kevin Reynolds He received his B.S., M.S. Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick mix of trending content. J. Marshall Shepherd 3 kinds of bias that shape your worldview Posted Dec 2018 More news and ideas from J . Eighty-seven percent of scientists believe that humans are contributing to climate change. Read on to hear from the leader of the student strike movement, climate scientists, a former president, a trained meteorologist and more. Im a meteorologist by degree, I have a bachelors, masters and PhD in physical meteorology. cognitive dissonance tribalism Dunning-Kruger effect mation bias . TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." The degree of polarisation in places like Australia and the US is not universal. This is one prediction I will always get right. I have also served on a World Meteorological Organization advisory committee related to aerosols, clouds, and precipitation and the external review committee for NOAAs Climate Prediction Center and Hydrometeorological Prediction Center. In an eye-opening talk, meteorologist J. Marshall Shepherd explains how confirmation bias, the Dunning-Kruger effect and cognitive dissonance impact what we think we know -- and shares ideas for how we can replace them with something much more powerful: knowledge. Students in a weather processes class taught by UGA geography, Shepherd, who directs the university's Atmospheric Sciences Program, will begin a one-year term as president-elect on Jan. 22 at the annual meeting of the society in New Orleans. What shapes our perceptions (and misperceptions) about science? Dr. Shepherd was the 2013 President of American Meteorological Society (AMS), the nations largest and oldest professional/science society in the atmospheric and related sciences. Im not saying facts dont matter or the scientific method should be watered down or we should communicate without facts. Shepherd as author). By subscribing, you understand and agree that we will store, process and manage your personal information according to our. PI. How did we get there? By 2010 that had risen to 23%. Thousands of school students from across Sydney attend the global Climate Strike rally at Town Hall in March last year. In 2021, Dr. Shepherd made history by becoming the first UGA faculty member to be elected to the National Academy of Science, National Academy of Engineering, and American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the same year. Tell us what youre interested in and well send you talks tailored just for you. 07/01/2020-07/29/2021 U.S. Department of Army, Engineering With Nature Initiative (FP00021076) US Department of Army, W912HZ2020031, (UGA Budget, $ 2,500,000) 05/01/2020-04/30/2023 (1.0 month), NASA, Towards Conceptualization and Predictability: A Multi-scalar Analysis of Urban-Influenced Hydrometeorological Processes. Articles by J. Marshall Shepherd on Muck Rack. confirmation bias cognitive dissonance Dunning-Kreuger effect Em uma palestra reveladora, o meteorologista J. Marshall Shepherd explica como o vis de confirmao, o efeito Dunning-Kruger e a dissonncia cognitiva influenciam o que achamos que sabemos, e oferece ideias de como podemos substitu-los por algo muito mais poderoso: o conhecimento. As we strive to address carbon emissions, we need to address these inequities too. Find J. Marshall Shepherd's email address, contact information, LinkedIn, Twitter, other social media and more. Volume 54, November 2015, 181194. GPM will improve weather, climate, and hydrological forecasting and is slated for a 2014 launch date. Degree, Summary of Procedural Steps Toward the Ph.D. examining prescription drug importation: a review of a proposal to allow third parties to reimport prescription drugs It supports independent organizers who want to create a TED-like event in their own community. Shepherd is also the host of The Weather Channel's Sunday talk show Weather Geeks, a pioneering Sunday talk show on national television dedicated to science. The AthensGaWeather broadcasting team, composed of Atmospheric Sciences undergraduates in the Geography department, was one of the many broadcasting studios to livestream, Atmospheric Sciences alumna, Emily Wilson, was recently recognized by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the "critical support [she] provided to Operation Allies Welcome", an initiative set forth by the DHS to evacuate U.S. citizens and Afghan. The science behind climate change has been proven correct to the highest degree of certainty the scientific method allows. Why do many people dismiss issues like climate change, despite strong scientific evidence . Question 3: What are the two most important facts about this communication skill that Ms. Cuddy shares in her talk? Nowadays, I dont even have to ask how someone voted in the last election to hazard a guess about their views on climate change. (Total Budget. No. Watch, share and create lessons with TED-Ed, Talks from independently organized local events, Short books to feed your craving for ideas, Inspiration delivered straight to your inbox, Take part in our events: TED, TEDGlobal and more, Find and attend local, independently organized events, Learn from TED speakers who expand on their world-changing ideas, Recommend speakers, Audacious Projects, Fellows and more, Rules and resources to help you plan a local TEDx event, Bring TED to the non-English speaking world, Join or support innovators from around the globe, TED Conferences, past, present, and future, Details about TED's world-changing initiatives, Updates from TED and highlights from our global community, An insiders guide to creating talks that are unforgettable. Created in the spirit of TED 's mission, `` ideas worth spreading., not.! The diversity furor at the Academy Awards are the two most important facts about this communication skill that Ms. shares! 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