what is exogamy marriage

exogamy, also called out-marriage, custom enjoining marriage outside ones own group. Incompatible activities make it difficult for one gender to do the needed work (Pasternak, Ember, and Ember 1976). brideservice Cultural exogamy is marrying outside a specific cultural group; the opposite being endogamy, marriage within a social group. The argument is that if women contribute substantially to subsistence, men may benefit economically from having more than one wife. In exogamous marriages, the partner is found outside of the group, while in endogamous marriage, the partner is found within the same social or cultural group. In this module, we concentrate on marriage and family customs involving at least one man and one woman because although homosexual behavior is not rare, same-sex marriage is rare cross-culturally. Minocher, Riana, Pavel Duda, and Adrian V. Jaeggi. Is a marriage within one's own group? It is often called out-marriage due to the importance of looking outside one's group. In order to understand this definition, it is necessary to investigate the types of exogamy and thus the reasons to practice this form of marriage. It can be matrilineal or patrilineal. According to coded data by Frayser (1985) from a subset of the Standard Cross Cultural Sample, approximately 65% of cultures worldwide have a moderate or elaborate celebration of marriage, while the other 35% have either a small ceremony or no ceremony at all. medical anthropology It is most common among people who live in social groups known as clans or moieties (groups). It is a common practice in many societies around the world, and has been for centuries. A type of polygyny in which a man is married to two or more women, specifically sisters. According to this theory, groups that engaged in exogamy would flourish, while those that did not would all die, either literally or because they lacked sufficient ties for cultural and economic exchange, leaving them at a disadvantage. Although some research supports the idea that societies with matrilocal residence are more tolerant of divorce (Minturn, Grosse, and Haider 1969), other research does not find the relationship particularly strong when other factors are controlled (Ackerman 1963; Pearson and Hendrix 1979). Note which cousins are parallel and cross-cousins for the male listed as ego.. my ek-sg--m plural exogamies 1 : marriage outside of a specific group especially as required by custom or law 2 : sexual reproduction between individuals (as of a particular species) that are not closely related exogamous ek-sg--ms adjective or exogamic ek-s-gam-ik More from Merriam-Webster on exogamy Pearson, Willie, Jr., and Lewellyn Hendrix. Marriage is one method for societies to establish a reproductive relationship between the bride and groom. Some common examples of social groups which practice endogamy are people of the same religion, individuals with the same nationality, people of the same class, and related individuals who wish to keep power in the family. The Komachi, pastoral nomads of southern Iran, preferred marriage with kin who were no more distant than second cousins and about 70% were with first cousins (Bradburd 1990, 115). As part of defensive masculinity, women are often derogated. If one person has a faulty gene, breeding outside his group increases the chances that his partner will have another functional type gene and their child may not suffer the defect. Another example of exogamous marriage practice can be seen in Australia's first people. mile Durkheim[9] derives exogamy from totemism. 2018; Minocher, Duda, and Jaeggi 2019), but not in societies with intensive agriculture. But as already discussed, sharing can be accomplished in other ways. [5], In one Old Order Amish society, inbreeding increases the risk of "neonatal and postneonatal mortality. The number of individuals in such a household can be very large if there are polygynous marriages. Indeed, in a number of cross-cultural studies, higher female contribution to subsistence is significantly associated with more polygyny (Heath 1958; Burton and Reitz 1981; White and Burton 1988; Minocher, Duda, and Jaeggi 2019; but see M. Ember 1984). Jankowiak, William, Monika Sudakov, and Benjamin C. Wilreker. Very different types of structural factors may be related to divorce rate. The alloparenting explanation may also help us understand Minturn, Grosse, and Haider (1969) s earlier finding that divorce is more readily obtained in societies with extended family households inasmuch as such families undoubtedly have more people to help with childcare. Rainfall variability is likely to produce uneven productivity between communities and exogamy provides more opportunities for movement to even out resources. Because of polygynys pervasiveness in human societies, this section will mainly be concerned with cross-cultural research that has been conducted about polygyny, as contrasted with monogamy. 1900. 2018). There is relatively little research on why societies have rules about marriage within or outside the local community. 2016. Of the 148 societies in the Standard Cross Cultural Sample which Broude and Green coded 31.1% have full individual choice, 17.6% have individual choice that requires parental approval, 3.4% have individual choice that also require parental arrangement, 18.2% have either individual choice or arranged marriage, 16.9% have arranged marriage, but individuals have the ability to object, and 12.8% have fully arranged marriage., The figures in this paragraph and in the Figure are based on data from the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (Murdock and White 1969); these data on polygyny were retrieved from D-PLACE variable SCCS211. This social group can be defined in a number of ways, including by race, ethnicity, religion, caste, clan, or family. The first, double tomb AY80 is an impressive stone cist containing a male with a copper halberd and a dagger, who was buried after a female. This theory may explain why most bird species have bonding. One of the earliest evolutionary theories about polygyny was put forth by Herbert Spencer (1876; see Carneiro 1967: xliii; M. Ember 1974; M. Ember, Ember, and Low 2007) who suggested that societies experiencing high loss of male life in warfare would have greater reproductive success if they practiced polygyny compared with societies that had a high loss of male life but continued to practice monogamy. Just as it may be difficult to find a non-related mate in a very small population, it may also be difficult in a geographically isolated population to find a mate without allowing marriage to cousins. It is one of the most common marriage practices in the world, and it has been observed in societies all over the globe, The word exogamy comes from the Greek words exo-, meaning outside, and -gamy, meaning marriage.. Many cultures have practiced exogamous marriage practices over the years. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. While there is considerable research on the type of marriage and the conditions associated with it, aside from some research on aloofness/intimacy there is relatively little known about the quality of the marital relationship. 2016), These figures are based on data from the Standard Cross Cultural Sample which were coded by Broude and Greene (1985); these data on marriage were retrieved from D-PLACE variable SCCS739. Although this finding seems contrary to the principle that high levels of inbreeding are generally deleterious, there are some pathogens for which recessive genes have been shown to lessen the serious consequences of the disease. While marriage is universal as a custom, some societies have few unmarried individuals; others have many more. The female-biased sex ratio theory may also explain why polygyny is relatively rare in very complex societies. Note that the economic contribution argument fails to explain any advantages for women to be in polygynous marriages, nor does it explain why the opposite form of marriagepolyandryis not generally found where men do most of the subsistence work. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Therefore allowing some cousin marriage is not as problematic for overall reproduction of the group. Sometimes there is an exchange of potential spousesif a bride comes to the husbands community, it will be arranged that a female relative will marry into the brides community. Why? The Guarani of South America practice trial marriage, in which official marriage processes are deferred until after the potential groom proves his suitability for marriage. medieval The opposite situation holds for matrilineal societies, but this time, assuming you cant marry in your kin group, only your matrilateral parallel cousins mothers sisters childrenwill be in your kin group. In gift exchange, the kin groups of the bride and groom give each other gifts of about equal value. An increase in kinship relationships (the bond of being related). Hence, it is more efficient and economical for the man and woman who share the child (or children) to cooperate. God Second, the relationship appears stronger in societies with simpler forms of agriculture (Osmond 1965). Social stratification is present (Nimkoff and Middleton 1960). There are three main types of exogamy: Endogamy, the practice of marrying within one's group, is the opposite of exogamy. But more importantly, two women are likely to have twice as many mouths to feed and care for. exogamy is exogamic exogamousadj. exogamyn.[] exomis exosmosisn 2021. The wealth can be transmitted to outside family. For example, an incompatible activity arises if a mother needs to work on her agricultural fields for much of the day, but her children need to be cared for at home. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. 1969. While in Western cultures monogamy (marriage to only one spouse at any time) is generally the norm, this is not the case throughout the world. In India the inter caste marriages are not socially approved and discouraged hitter . A type of polygyny where only a limited number of men, usually those of greater wealth or social status, have multiple wives simultaneously. Why? Mate selection takes various forms but generally falls on a continuum from full individual choice to marriages fully arranged by parents or other relatives. Second, other sexual rules could be invented, such as rules regulating rotation of partners. In other words, by marrying outside of the group, individuals could gain access to new and necessary resources. As discussed in the sexuality module, homosexual behavior, even if common, often coexists with heterosexual marriage practices. The Nayar were a subcaste in India. Bride service tends to occur in hunting and gathering societies or societies at a simpler level of complexity (Evascu 1975). 3) Women less dependent on men. There are many advantages to the practice of exogamy. Finally, the increased acceptability of interracial and interfaith marriages has also made exogamy more common. matrilocal Extended family households are more likely in societies where. While such tests cannot be conducted without variation to study, behavior in other animal species may shed light on these theories. Research conducted by M. Ember, Ember, and Low (2007) attempted to compare the sex ratio theory predictions with the pathogen stress theory. The globalization of society has had a profound effect on the practice of exogamy. The marriage would be practiced outside one's group, class or caste. It maintains healthy levels of diversity in the genetic pool. Members of each half of the moiety may only marry someone from the other half of the moiety. Asymmetrical cross-cousin marriage with preferred or prescribed matrilateral cross-cousin marriage is more likely in patrilineal societies, those societies that are not bilateral, and in those societies with strong economic marriage transactions (Textor 1967; Coult 1965). Ackerman (1963) finds that. Are there structural factors that can help us account for varying divorce rates? 1976. Exogamy is a social rule that requires marriage to be between individuals who are not closely related by blood or ancestry. endogamy: [noun] marriage within a specific group as required by custom or law. Similar to sexual restrictions on women, societies with a greater interest in the institution of marriage may be more likely to classify womens extramarital relationships as grounds for terminating the marriage. Greater social involvement in the marriage (Frayser 1985). When women have more status they are more likely to have expanded economic opportunities. One example of exogamy can be found in the Hindu caste system in India. tends to occur in societies with non-intensive agriculture or pastoralism at middle ranges of complexity (Schlegel and Eloul 1988; Evascu 1975). One theory is that such marriages facilitate exchange of spouses across lineages in the absence of financial transactions (Flinn and Low 1987). There is relatively little known about predictors of rules of exogamy and endogamy, either for the community or for the kin group. Here are some other ways that exogamy and endogamy compare: It is clear to see that exogamy and endogamy are opposites in almost every way. Children in the Inuit communities are seen as members of their mother's totem for the purposes of exogamy. White, Douglas R., and Michael L. Burton. Why? "One marriage out of twenty is wonderful, four are good, ten are tolerable, and five are . Manage Settings Why? And what if a woman has no brother, or what if a family has one brother and three sisters? In other words, a marriage outside the lineage group is . Outbreeding favours the condition of heterozygosity, that is having two nonidentical copies of a given gene. They make the further assumption that agriculturalists and fishing people have more stable food supplies. Schaden, Egon, and Lars-Peter Lewinsohn. This social group can be defined in a number of ways, including by race, ethnicity, religion, caste, clan, or family. To understand what a cross-cousin is versus a parallel cousin, it helps to think of the term cross as meaning related to you by crossing gender in the parental generation. Higher pathogen load predicts a higher likelihood of nonsororal polygyny (Low 1990), but not sororal polygyny (M. Ember, Ember, and Low 2007). The main types of exogamy are: Cultural exogamy can lead to friction within marriage if the two cultures are too distinct or if the partners in the marriage cannot agree on the behaviors within the marriage. 2011). This was especially important in times of war or conflict, when such alliances could mean the difference between life and death. It is one of the most common marriage practices in the world, and it has been observed in societies all over the globe Pathogen stress is the only predictor of nonsororal polygyny in state societies. State societies are likely to have less male mortality because fighting forces tend to be specialized; therefore male mortality is less likely to be an important factor. Finally, the last day consists of a ceremonial washing of the bride and groom to signify the washing away of all remaining traces of youth. The washing is followed by the couples hair being tied into a single knot (Geertz and Lomatuway 1987). Cultural exogamy is marrying outside a specific cultural group; the opposite being endogamy, marriage within a social group. Why? To be an extended family household, members need not live in the same dwelling. Sex ratios favoring females (M. Ember 1974; Barber 2008). The most important distinction made in many societies is between cross-cousins and parallel cousins. Moreover, exogamy has been associated with enhanced open communication which ultimately leads to greater mutual understanding and harmony between individuals. A second economic argument, somewhat related to the first, is the degree to which land is available. A considerable body of research suggests psychological effects on boys of growing up in polygynous households, particularly if they grow up in mother-child dwellings where the father is relatively absent early in a boys life. Gaulin, Steven J. C., and James S. Boster. One estimate is 70% of societies allowing cross-cousin marriage allow symmetrical compared with 30% for asymmetrical cousin marriage (Coult 1965). Extended family households range from small two-unit families, to large families with 3-4 generations of related individuals. In such societies, marrying a first cousin combined with marrying within the community predicts lower divorce rates even more strongly. Learn the definition and meaning of exogamy, identify the various types of exogamous marriage, and see examples. legend Why? Why? Maria has taught University level psychology and mathematics courses for over 20 years. Simple exogamy is in practice in the Indian tribes and North American. Affiliations: Structural Determinants of Differential Divorce Rates., Sexual Selection Under Parental Choice: The Role of Parents in the Evolution of Human Mating., Sexual Selection Under Parental Choice: A Revision to the Model., Individual Mate Choice in an Arranged Marriage Context: Evidence from the Standard Cross-cultural Sample., Bride Theft and Raiding for Wives in Cross-Cultural Perspective., Explaining Cross-National Differences in Polygyny Intensity., Solidarity, Stratification and Sentiment: The Unilateral Cross-Cousin Marriage According to the Theories of Levi-Strauss, Leach, and Homans and Schneider., Causes of Conjugal Dissolution: A Cross-cultural Study., Societal Complexity and Familial Complexity: Evidence for the Curvilinear Hypothesis., Nuclear Vs. Extended Family, Monogamy Vs. Polygyny: Democracy Vs. Non-Democracy? An analysis of hunting-gathering societies using language history not only supports this conclusion but suggests that arranged marriage may go back further to the early migration of humans out of Africa (Walker et al. We don't care how many ads you see or how many pages you view. Men were obliged to seek wives from other groups, including marriage by capture, and exogamy developed as a cultural custom. In such a situation it becomes interesting to differentiate between the close kin and the descent or lineage. Munck, Victor de, and Andrey V. Korotayev. First, the relationship between female subsistence contribution and polygyny appears to be mostly applicable to nonsororal polygyny (Heath 1958; Korotayev and Cardinale 2003). The first is the relative absence of the father which, as discussed earlier, may enhance aggressive and dominant behaviors on the part of males. Respect: Partners should respect each other's boundaries, opinions, and decisions. In fact, most of the time you'll find the word you are looking for after typing only one or two letters. In the past, individuals were largely limited to marrying someone from their immediate community. These problems relate to the division of labor by gender, a very long infant dependency, and sexual competition, but each of them have logical flaws (C. R. Ember, Ember, and Peregrine 2019). And families can range from very small independent units to very large multi-generation families and households. Why? The children of siblings of the opposite gender (i.e., the children of a woman and her brother are cross-cousins to each other). Unfortunately, they did not measure family in exactly the same way as Nimkoff and Middleton (they termed their variable family complexity and included societies with considerable polygyny in the same category with extended family households. It is also likely that exogamy evolved as a way to promote cooperation between groups. Endogamy, exogamy. [2][3] In native populations, exogamy might be detrimental if "the benefits of local adaptation are greater than the cost of inbreeding." Adultery is one mechanism of producing offspring if a couple cannot have children. However, sometimes parents still have to approve the choice. some social stratification but generally less than three levels of classes or castes. One example of exogamy can be found in the Hindu caste system in India. Indirect support for the sex-ratio hypothesis comes from research on the presence of polyandrous marriages. There are a couple of known exceptions to the claim that marriage is a universal custom. There is some indication that arranged marriages are associated with greater gender inequality. Polygyny is one of the most widely researched topics in cross-cultural research. Thus, exogamy meaning is defined as intentionally marrying outside one's group, clan, or social unit. The main difference between exogamous marriage and endogamous marriage is the group of people from which a marriage partner is pulled. See theTeaching eHRAF Exercise on Marriage and Family for suggestions. necropolis I feel like its a lifeline. Hoben, Ashley D., Abraham P. Buunk, and Maryanne L. Fisher. Another type of dowry is indirect dowry. Polygynous societies appear to have responded to jealousy with certain common customs and rules that include: having separate quarters and kitchens for nonsororal co-wives, having rules about husbands sharing resources equitably, and having rules for sleeping with co-wives in rotation (C. R. Ember, Ember, and Peregrine 2019, 245). Researchers have proposed different theories to account for the origin of exogamy. Inbreeding: the practice of breeding between individuals who are closely related. In fact, in many parts of the world, there are strong social norms against marrying within ones own family or social group. Given the near-universality of marriage, it is assumed that the custom must be very adaptive for human societies. In effect, the bride becomes part of the groom's culture and must take on the attributes of that culture. 1975. More husband-wife aloofness (Whiting and Whiting 1975; de Munck and Korotayev 2007). At no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission, which helps us run this blog and keep our in-depth content free of charge for all our readers. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The severity of enforcement of exogamous restrictions varies greatly across cultures and may range from death to mild disapproval. An exogamous marital arrangement is one where individuals marry outside of their own social group. The groom, before or after the marriage, gives work services to the brides family. There are a variety of theories about what particular problems make marriage adaptive. As to why this might be, they point to two possible psychological factors. Preference for fathers brothers daughter marriage (patrilateral parallel cousin marriage) preference is more likely in patrilocal societies (Flinn and Low 1987). Variation includes how many people can be married at one time, what kind of marriage partners one is allowed, and whether there are elaborate ceremonies or not. Linguistic exogamy is a form of cultural exogamy in which marriage occurs only between speakers of different languages. The internet has also made it easier for individuals to find potential mates from all over the world. In contrast, in socially simpler societies, the entire population of able-bodied men may be expected to be warriors.6. The belief that a child can have more than one biological father. Homogamy: conscious or unconscious tendency to select mate with personal characteristics similar to one's own Online searchers typically do not seek out people of a different race The love relationship Coupling of love and marriage not universal U.S. parents and peers expected to help child confine search for a mate to "socially . Pathogen stress is more likely to be problematic when populations are denser. Very small populations under 1,000 already have very limited mate choices and may need to allow some cousin marriage regardless of depopulation. Two or more women are married to one man at the same time. 1965. Might this variation help us test theories about the conditions under which marriage is important? Research has found that. Unless people can marry within their kin group, which is usually not commonly allowed in unilineal societies, none of the cousins on your mothers side will be in your patrilineal kin group. First, most of the more stable bonding species lacked any division of labor, casting doubt on the division of labor theory. Marriage and Family in C. R. Ember, ed. According to a survey 83% people practice exogamy in these tribes. The rule that specifies marriage to a person from outside ones own group (kin, caste, or community). The assumption is made that societies with social classes are likely to have private property and such property would create interest in keeping land together rather than dividing it into smaller and smaller pieces. Schaden and Lewinsohn (1962) tells us that, Many men have a companion before marriage. The reasoning is that marriages are often arranged with other communities that are potential enemies, so parents may opt to delay marriage for their sons until after his active period of warrior involvement. The marriage would be practiced outside ones group, class or caste. Family lineage is the only exception to their contrast. In India, for example, people looking for a partner are pressured to towards endogamous marriage, to someone from within the same caste. Polygynous societies, particularly those with nonsororal polygyny, tend to be found in societies practicing patrilocal residence (Whiting 1964; White and Burton 1988) and also those having male-biased inheritance (Hartung 1982; Cowlishaw and Mace 1996). Kenya Strengthen bonds between large communities by creating familial bonds by marriage. She coedited. (Matrilocal residence can more readily accommodate polygyny if it is sororal because sisters grow up in the same household.). type of marriage limited to only one spouse at any given time. 2007. 2005. Community exogamy/endogamy. Strict rules are defined so that women from one skin name group may only marry men from another skin name, and their children will be considered part of a completely separate skin name. migration The authors postulate that, in the absence of a social network system to support people when they grow old, having children is vital for parents future survival. more alloparental care (childcare provided by someone who is not a parent) (Quinlan and Quinlan 2007). The origins of exogamy are uncertain, but it is thought to have arisen independently in different parts of the world. He said that a people had religious respect for the blood of a totemic clan, for the clan totem is a god and is present especially in the blood, a sacred substance. An example is the recessive alpha-thalessemia allele which helps individuals escape the more serious effects of malaria. However, there are also logical flaws to this argument. Higher divorce rates are predicted by. 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