i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

I went to bed and my SO comes back to the bedroom to tell me what a POS I am, threatens some bodily injury to myself, says well never have intimate contact again and that shell cut my hands off if I so much as touch her. Weve been together 2 years, lived together for 1. I feel angry and hurt because I was not taken into consideration about this decision, a pet is not something you give to someone as a gift, its a personal choice especially someone who is in a serious relationship who has decisions to make with their partner and who isnt staying in their own place and planning to move in a flat. She has put a section of the room with pads on the floor so the dog can go there to pee while we are at work. I believe in not being cruel to animals. I dont think thats an unfair and unreasonable request considering all that I would be giving up to be with him. They have personalities. Those sorts of compromises just dont work long-term. Be there to listen and learn, not to pressure your daughter into doing what you want. Shes a decently trained dog though, she knows to do her business outside, she listens after the third time you tell her and for the most part is well mannered. Lets talk about the very annoying fact that this dog has to be or sleep everywhere she does, especially her BED! Destructiveness is also one of the main reasons why some people need to get rid of their dogs. He is supposed to have a white coat, but its basically orange because hes so nasty all the time! I thought Id be okay with having a dog in the house, but I am not adjusting well. I allow the dog in the basement. Love from a non-mongamous creature the same as every other human? I really do believe that people who treat there dogs like humans need counseling. He was nasty to her at times, but I chalked it up to the fact that my dog had a different daddy before him (hahaha). If someone truly loves you they will work with you to solve the problem so all 3 of you can live in peace. I had pets all my life. Long story short, it was an extremely stressful weekend, having to watch the little dog around my girlfriends dog 24/7, leash inside the house, etc. You and your partner dont have to agree about everything. Some of you people are obsessive over your dogs and just plain silly if your willing to throw a relationship away because of dogs. Have a nice day! I was also in a new relationship and did not want to throw the towel in yet, and he told me he was open to having me help train the dog. She continues to talk about this dog like its a person which I have to tell her a dog is not a person or a child, it is an animal. You just cannot argue with extreme pet lovers, it is like there is something wrong with us for not embracing and loving all of this. The dogs get along great together too. We tried for one night to keep Fido out of the bedroom, but he whined all night and damaged the door frame by clawing at it. Not a fan of big dogs at all. As it is, he would come if I said I really wanted some company, but would make it abundantly clear that he doesnt like the dog and would take no pleasure in the experience making me feel miserable. So I talked to her about this and it ended up becoming a giant arguement. :( any advice? :O keeping me away from him and the puppy. So, I will be checking what pets new people have in the future. I just changed my entire life for this man and dont want to lose him or my dog advice anyone ??? Out of the 6 rescues I had, they lived a long life and began passing away. Its not your job to determine if someone is too attached to their dog. Why would anyone want to be with someone like that, pets or no pets? When you have a good solid fenced backyard, it doesnt matter being aggressive toward other animals until the training finishes, Because, by any means, the dog cannot harm any creature whatsoever. Thats over and Id be out of there in a heartbeat! Now she as gotten to the point to where she would yell at him and say that she will kill him all because he would drop food on the floor or when my dog gets sick. It upsets me greatly, we also have a 4 yr old son which the dog has bit on a couple occasions simply because the dog does not like him. Being vexed with the husband/boyfriend isnt a solution. My idea is to move them to the finished basement and have all the mess and the meowing contained. Give it some good thought before you decide! He agreed. Also, perhaps its not even necessarily your dog that he is annoyed by, but the way you are *treating* your dog. But I want to get your opinions, I want to know if how I feel is just insanity or am I being logical. I totally completely agree. Animals are pets, not people, and shouldnt be allowed to run the household. I didnt know this when I met her but I thought she would have gotten more normal since she wasnt alone anymore and telling me she found the man of her dreams and how hard it is to meet someone like me but we would get into arguments about the bulldogs? Therefore I tried to convince myself that my compromise with my values was not so serious because he had shown he deeply regretted it and that the relationship would not last anyway, given the circumstances. If you guys are having troubles over PETS, the relationship is never going to last, anyway. Now he seems to be taking aim at my pet friends, starting with my 2 dogs, who actually like him, but hes decided that they dont like him since, being mini Australian Shepherds, theyve kind of bonded to me (momma) because I feed and care for them, as its too much trouble for him to do so. This is getting out of control. Dogs are animals! She was so cute and sweet, and my boyfriend was really happy to have her. Animals just dont cut it. Its been extremely hard to potty train her, if I dont take her out for 2-3 hours she will shit or pee in my kids room ALWAYS THEIR ROOM it makes me so mad. A little back story, my SO at the time also use to be a bit of a junkie and didnt really have a sense of self or respect. The problem is mutual. My question to you is: Your pet surely is not a happy animal in his given situation. Dogs are dogs and children are children! The reason why I want to mention this solution is that lack of exercise could lead to so many troubles, making your husband/boyfriend trying to rehome the dog for the purpose of escape from the problem. I cant even put the dog in a crate. Are you looking for solutions on what to do for this? I strongly recommend reading the following article. Only made me better. He is low key and causes no trouble in the relationship. He has appeared on his own TV show, been a guest radio expert, gives seminars, publishes a dog related blog, does rescue volunteering, and is active in promoting animal welfare and fair dog laws. My dog is a lab, and she would never be allowed to growl and be aggressive like that. The dog likes to jump on the couch, claw the carpet and the couch, bark at any little noise and I swear the bark shakes the entire house. My fianc and I have been together for 8 years and engaged for 4 and a half of those 8 years. I am to the end of my rope. Not all people are equal. She gets primo food, primo treats, a big beautiful back yard with other dogs to play with. Hi Elena! So anyways, we go to the shelter, just TO LOOK. This should be obvious. He doesnt keep you awake, ignore your commands, scratch incessantly at every closed door, refuse to come when hes called or BITE you. I hope youre ok? He is at home with her all day while I work. Ive read quite a few of your posts and I feel that mine situation is not as harsh as all of yours. Visit her to be there for her and show your love. I also told him that we are never close like we used to be, that instead of reaching for me, you reach for the dog. If anything dog people are the controlling ones. i hate being home just because i dont want to be around her. The huge red flag: a couple of weeks into our relationship my partner said he had to tell me a secret and that he hoped I would understand. I dont understand if its YOUR dog why this is allowed! Id personally prefer to not have the dog inside the house at all, but knew that he wouldnt like that solution. I love my doggy so much i treat him like a baby and my husband now is giving me an ultimatum between him n my doggy.its been 1 year since we r married. its almost as high as the bed. I say that its a cop-out, and those people are deceived into believing that an animal can give them the love that they are searching for, the love that can really only be provided by another human. Especially when cats do their own thing and its not like theyre around bugging you all day like the needy dog. She cuddles or snuggles or whatever you want to call it any chance she gets. So recently I had a baby girl, and my husband has a 2 year old pit-bull. I thought my dog sleeping on her bed in the room is a middle ground. And Im so sorry for all that youve gone through. Easy for me really. Seems like not! If I argue with him that he needs to take care of these dogs he will just promise to help and will help out for one day then quit. They each have their own unique personalities and I loved them all. People reading this may think that is paranoia, but I assure them its not. I have a pintrest board dedicated to shih tzus and golden doodles. He does not take the dog for a walk, a bath the dog, or even have time to play with the dog. I complete understand your point! He is treating the puppy like a baby and trying to get me interested but Im not, besides I have my own dog that I never brought with because I knew the conditions were not favourable and I know we hardly at home, so it was best to leave her with my family and their pets that she grew up with. Ive tried to make accomodation after accomodation for my husband of five years. These dogs have done $8,000 to my brand new home and this has destroyed what should have been a great time in our lives and a time of healing. Because he hates him please help. A ten month old Puppy is not going to be a perfect dog. My kids and I have had our pet for 5 years his dog is about 8 months old and cat about 7 months and he expects me to put my dog out side!! This dog has even eaten razors that she has used, how its not dead I dont know. He then cuddles the dog and the dog thinks he is doing good. Why do i feel ive got the shit end of the stick ! Because that shows me how much more the cat means to him than I do. I didnt get any attention except when he asked whats for dinner. Do NOT tell me my dog is messier than that. I hope all of you never have any REAL problems to contend with in life, and have the sense to realise that to be with a selfish and nasty partner who seems to think of nothing other than how things affect HIM is no way to live! We picked up Chatty Cathy and she is a young cat that talks way too much and does not listen! They bark to get around the table after being fenced out, then she lets them in because they were barking. Am I crazy for feeling this way? She could scarcely walk to her bed and just played there I know now she was depressed, and had been thru 5 homes, and that maybe she was running away because she was in heat, that was another huge annoying thing I was trying to put diapers on her and such and she wasnt willing to hold still that made me mad or she thought she could run back to her old house. He has separation anxiety and she found out the hard way by her neighbor calling the cops to her condo because he was howling all day when she left for work. When I came home from the grocery store, he would already be stealing food from the grocery bags or things out of my purse! They must be let outside, fed, played with and walked. HOLD YOUR OWN GROUND! I give her a command ( Ive spent hundreds of hours training) and she still resists and gets this look on her face like Ive done the worst thing in the world to her that also goes for asking her to go outside. If she didnt get her way, shed start washing her private area for a very, very, long time. He wont even consider me looking after a friends cat at our house for a week, thats how much he Dislikes pets. His cat is out co control- Pees and poop outside the litter box and begs all day for food. Family too but the dog will stay. This makes me so sad. But its never too late to get up on your feet, face the reality, and march forward. gets channeled to the dog with yelling. It he loves you,he needs to understand that making you give up this dog would devastate you. In fact, You will receive an abundance of complaints from the neighbors about your dogs loudness. Last night, we had an argument about it because she put the dog on my pillows and then cheered him on (she thought it was funny and did as a joke per her view) and got upset because i told her she was reinforcing the idea that its ok to sleep there (which it is most def not) so then she got upset, picked up the dog and slept in the guest room with him. Hire a dog trainer: Since these people can solve the heavy barking issue within a short amount of time, I highly recommend doing so. To say I should disregard so many years of love and affection because I didnt do my due diligence to makes sure she didnt sleep with her dog seems ridiculous. I think in Mistys case all she can fairly expect is for her partner to groom his dog more so that the fur is as little a discomfort or annoyance as possible. Okay so I have a similar situation to Charlie. So, there is no need to change. He obsesses over every detail related to this dog what it eats, what it plays with, where it is, how often it poops, etc. My boyfriend and I have been dating for around 4 years and his mother was very sick with cancer during this time. When my boyfriend is not around I put distance between myself and the dogsthey will go away. What I dont get is why would anyone want dogs to sleep in their bed if they have a partner or are married? I knew he really wanted a dog, so I helped him find one. Compromise does not work if you are asking someone to tolerate something they cant stand. Feel like your telling my story completely. But he would rub the dogs back abd love on her back before he evens thinks of me. I want out. Its always been my choice to let that happen, as I was single at the time of getting him. I dont want the responsibility of training the animals and feel no affection for them though I tolerate them and do want to make sure they are fed and not neglected. Have faith that what you feel is correct. Hi Julia, my partner has just left me for his dog.. Im 8 months pregnant, he got a puppy just before we found out I was expecting and Ive spent my entire pregnancy miserable and stressed, I was left to look after it- even though the agreement was he was to do that because Im not a dog person, he babyfied it so it wanted his attention constantly and was jealous of me and my 2 kids, it was messing in the house but he would not hear a word said against it, I tried and tried to just get on with it for his sake, I didnt want it in the first place and he used emotional blackmail to get me to agree to getting itif I cared about him I would want him to be happy etc. Thats when my hell began. I visit friends with cats, but its not the same. Its to the point now where I have no desire to sleep over her condo anymore. I Did the same. What should I do, I have know where to go and no money bc everything is in her name and bank account. Its sooo disturbing! Dogs need to learn whos alpha in order for them to recieve any kind of gratitude from me. He has 2 dogs. I dont want to ruin our relationship over this. Making the responsibility of the dog fall on me, hard with a toddler, infant, and working full time as a nurse practitioner. Video of them walking saying they drag their feet. Having an animal is a huge commitment that involves both of you and impacts the daily life of both of you. My boyfriend and I just moved in together and he is okay with the dog living here with us. I used to think, if the dog and I were drowning, who would he save? I watched him as he sat to the left of her, take her head. How can your boyfriend of 3 years actually say go on the couch so his DOG can sleep next to you? Its never easy to say goodbye to a pet. Maybe your husband or children have allergies to dogs. When cooking, the dogs are right there in the kitchen in the way, so you constantly have to make sure you dont step on them. Maybe an older dog that has less energy. Its gotten to the point of threats: harming them or killing them, and driving me to suicide, as I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. Just picture when you have kids. I wish you all the luck and hope your situation improves. So this is not exactly regarding to your comment, but towards mainly the women with dogs having these issues in their relationship. The comprehend tone of voice and can learn tricks, but that is far from having a legit conversation with a person. Ill be ****** having a kid and a dog that acts like he needs the same attention. As for your other issue, this is something that will require a serious heart-to-heart with your boyfriend. It is all something he is obligated to do, it doesnt come from the heart or a place of concern because if it did we wouldnt be having these arguments and if he just did what he is supposed to do in terms of training, we definitely wouldnt have these arguments. After i gave them up i immediatly started having resentment towards my fiances dog. That was a week ago and Im so pleased and relaxed the dog is finally gone but devastated that now Im doing the pregnancy alone, so can totally sympathise with you Hun, sending hugs xxx. I just want to be free from this and not have to deal anymore. He has done somethings like give the dog his own room (which I still believe he belongs outside), because he cant walk around the house and spread his dander everywhere that Im allergic to. He said I should have known he didnt like dogs. since I left my partner my dog is so much more relaxed and only now I realise the reason why his own dog was an absolute nervous wreck, he said it was due to her being an ill treated rescue dog but actually now I believe she was warning me of something very dangerous considering what I know now about that man. I went through a very lonely period in my life after a break up from my then fiance and I got Nappy, a male shitzu, to help with my loneliness. Now that everything is settled I noticed he was loving the dog more as well. I feel that that there is still a choice to be made about the dogs, they still live at the place that is there home, he has only visited them 3 times in the past year and we are going to set up our own place with our own furniture and our own life. He expected my cats locked up so his dog could take over my home. Hes got them in the habit of getting a treat when they do their business. She weighs over 100 pounds and stands about 26 at the shoulder. I bought a cage and put him in it at night. Because of that, your husband may think the do is far better off in your house free of little ones. Im tired of being restricted on where we can go because of her dog. Fine. Im thinking about giving him away just because I want him to get treated better than this.. Is this wrong to give up my loved dog for her? Animal shelters are more crowded than ever, and finding a person who loves his/her pet is a good thing. He never said he didnt like my one dog Pitty until we moved in together. Unfortunately, many websites seem to reinforce the the notion that it is healthy to anthropomorphize dogs. He leaved in the house with him before we got married and then moved the dog to the garage, shortly after. Everyone on here keeps saying leave him or her the dog is your life and Im sorry I feel that the pet owners have failed their pets by allowing this behavior. I have had a dog for quite some time now, and grew up having multiple animals at the same time. We had decided after many years that we were ready to move in together because we frequently discuss marriage and children and its the obvious natural next step. A person chuckles when they first see him. This is so frustrating. The relationship is still really new and at least Im trying. Our dogs get along well but not perfectly. But I guess you are right, for the life of the dog the smell will remain. Its been a battle since that day 4 years ago. Everything you have said is exactly how I feel 100%. There isnt. The beauty of a human beings love toward another is when it is not for the gain of the one giving the love, when it is altruistic and they see all of the things that you inherently bring into the world. Dump the bf and get with someone who lives your dog as much as you do! Another year passed and my girlfriend and I decided to move in together. This decreases the amount of time and emotional energy you have available to spend on your relationship with each other. It blows my mind how many people dump their pets for a bad relationship. Another option is to invest a couple hundred in an amazing dog bed (the kind with a real mattress). Ive read about this more and more myself realizing that its a real problem with some people that just cant distinguish their four legged animal from a human being. He also let her eat from our plates, let her pee and poo inside the house at times. Its on counters and in the fridge and in our food and even makes it into rooms where shes not allowed. thanks. Im at the point of getting an apartment because at this point I dream of living in a home without animals. The last thing you want is a reluctant dog owner to witness a fight. if he refuses to even try & compromise in this kind of way then i say cut It is unfair to make demands like this of someone else. Any chance of me getting attached to his dog flew out the window when he nipped at my son. I am still sad but know it is for the best and that I would never be happy. I used to love dogs, never again. We dont live together but we spend a lot of time at each others houses. I now have to allow one of the dogs to sleep in our bed though she holds it in her arms with her back to me. I am beyond fed up with Bobbi! They stink so bad. But he cant sit on the porch and stare inside. I cant take it!! I said i don t want the dog on the bed and furniture. How does one tell the Brother in law that this is happening? I have always generally preferred animals to people, and I made all of this clear to my husband before we got married. I told him it was me or the cat. Something else I will be happy to discuss but dog H*** NO. I may sound angry right now because i am. Anyway she left last nite and was angry about the way I answered her about some thing. He of course used to let her sleep in his bed like a person and she stinks like nothing Ive ever smelled. He then told me that he doesnt like dogs, finds it stressful to be around them, is afraid of getting bitten and wont have one in his home. My husband is constantly annoyed with our pets. Dont obsess or turn them into humans and call them the babies. The dog doesnt really do much damage these days, still finds a corner in the living room to pee (Ive got nice oak floors), still find things in the trash that are chewed on (my SO doesnt bother saying anything, I just happen to see it when I put things in the garbage). Husband/boyfriend has an extravagant amount of responsibility for the canine. If one makes it a human and the other as a pet animal it will never work. My dog is 3 years old now and his is 2. I cant BELIVE it. It is all over his work clothes because, of course, the dog rides shotgun in the vehicle. I am and have always been a very clean individual. Really blows my mind. Talking, begging, thumping tails, jumping around in excitement). When dogs misbehave its usually the owners fault. The dog has health issues and a husband/boyfriend. 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