breast numbness after open heart surgery

Dr. Kathryn King, a University of Calgary researcher, says her study of 481 women in 10 cities across Canada suggests . I am 7 months post op from an aortic heart valve replacement & aortic root repair to address an aneurysm & I feel my body is not my own. Four months I thought Id be better. Hi All, I just came across this blog searching for advice on sleeping on your side after OHS. The device tells your care provider how the heart is beating while you do your daily activities. Reading your article makes me feel better. I have fortunately found quite a lot of useful info online. But still i feel little bit of energy lost during the day and i keep taking Vitamin C to reboot. He does not like me nagging on himI am only trying to get hin to do what he needs to do so he can come home, but he has been through so much, the nurse said when the patient is ready to do the work they will. I am thankful for this site. Keep in mind . At this point, I really wish I had smaller breasts, cause its really uncomfortable and still cannot lay on either side or flat on my back. I have had such an emotional and spiritual journey. This resulted in further investigation which concluded I had a bicuspid aortic valve. My biggest concern is my age. it has been so hard and strange that he did not want his Mama there, we have a good relationship and my health is pretty good so i could help some but due to his request was not there for his surgery nor have I seen him yet. I find I can sleep 10 hrs a day and still feel tired. I spent many nights rocking back and forth from severe pain in back and shoulder, then April 30, 2018 called my brother at 11:30 at night asking him to take me to the hosp (a different one from the one I was going to) cause I couldnt breathe from the pain. Not helpful! doi:10.1016/j.rapm.2008.07.527, Reda B, Wong I. Postoperative numbness: a survey of patients after hip arthroscopic surgery. I tire easily. how to get rid of dark marks under breast how to get rid of dark marks under breast Some people feel very tired and exhausted most, or all of the time. But find that lifting and doing anything that requires pulling or bending straight over is tough!!! Jan 3, 2012. I took them OFF my menu, as they kept prolonging a mess in my head. But, that will pass as I get stronger. Feels like a burning scratching feeling inside. After removing one of the veins to the leg, blood must find other veins to return from the legs to the heart. I think feeling low and depressed is kinda normal also because i too have gone through these spells. T am two months after quadruple bypass and pacemaker. Finally he said that I had a blockage of my aortic valve! Today she has very little pain most days and can see kids without a problem. Most people spend 3 to 7 days in the hospital. I went back to work full time in June but even getting from the parking lot to my office is a struggle. 3 months later I still get tired a lot, cardiologists told me give it 6 months to a year to feel the results and I will forget about all that happened to me and that everything looks great. Five/six days later, had the OHS. I am 5 months now since the surgery, doing cardiac rehab which is almost over and overall so much better. I went back to work 2 weeks ago. Im feeling great. That makes driving a car and working difficult although I do both. Please let us know if the FH Foundation can help. (Although I suppose it could also be effects of getting older!!! My pain is so bad I asked him about removing the breast. I was told I had a congenital heart problem at 63 years of age. I have experienced certain sense of euphoria and intense appreciation for not only my life but ALL life around me. So, glad to hear what is normal anymore? Regarding those Bobs moods: trust me, we dont want ANYONE, including animals, to go thru Morphine messed me so much, that I came to psychodelic and delirium stage, with me trying to avoid closing my eyes, because I of so many crapy things happening in my head. I did have 2 stents put in 12.5 years ago when I was 47 and that felt devastating to me at the time, but yeah, it was really nothing by comparison! If you have, please reach out to me. My recovery has been ok physically the usual chest soreness and subsequent twinges and twitches around the site of the operation Im at the gym now 3 days a week for an hour of intensive aerobic work heart rate I control to peak at 130 bpm. This surgery is the pits! Invest Radiol. If they last longer, then the rate of nerve regrowth is about an inch a month. My surgery was on March 20th, I am recovering good by Gods grace, only thing sometimes I feel short of breath And also little bit of memory loss which Im trying to recover. For most, nipple sensation will return within a year of the procedure, however total nerve regeneration . Im 12 years past a heart attack. When you're released from the hospital, follow the set of instructions for post-surgery care exactly. I biked 40-50 miles a week. My cardiac team (all new doctors) was amazing and 5 months out, I can say the medications I was on were making me sicker than the heart attack so I could never have a good day. Ive always been positive & happy, but as I look back, I was feeling a little depression from feeling tired & miserable before the surgery, now that there is some Oxygen flowing, I generally feel great, I have a new lease on life! I still have dreadful pain in my breasts after open heart surgery. Im Marc. Tramadol and several anticonvulsants synergize in attenuating nerve injury-induced allodynia. The doctors at the ER was shocked to find I had 98, 95, and 78% blockage. All the doctors want to do is feed my anti-depressants. Welcome back they said.. A month in now, doing better, but started with some trembling, i eat something, drink water, feel better, but it dont last. (Couldnt believe it). (10) Recknor JB, Mallapragada SK. Treatment options for nerve damage and pain after surgery include: How can you break up scar tissue around nerves? Just started doing ten minutes twice a day on my excercise bike if this helps to get back to normal (what ever normal was before) but is this shortage of breath normal after reading some of the threads on here it seems that it is. Durham, NC says, I have not been on this site for very long. My PC had missed all clues and failed to order the battery of tests that would have given her a better diagnosis. I still have dreadful pain in my breasts after open heart surgery. 2018 Apr;104:124-129. doi:10.1016/j.cyto.2017.10.003, (14) Matsuoka H, Suto T, Saito S, Obata H. Amitriptyline, but Not Pregabalin, Reverses the Attenuation of Noxious Stimulus-Induced Analgesia After Nerve Injury in Rats. 8 weeks after open heart surgery, I am having a constant pulling, painful sensation on the right side of my chest, made much worse by sneezing or coughing. Acquired a treadmill about 2 weeks after I got home, best thing ever! That was a mistake. Three weeks ago had my aortic valve replaced for the second time along with the ascending aortic artery and part of the aortic arch replaced. I have worn a halter monitor to timesonce for a week & once for 2 weeks. I had my bypass april 3, and i doing good, exercise 4 to 5 days a week, however i stil have a discomfort in my chest sometimes, that concerns me, should I still be feeling this discomfort, I had my bypass april 3, and i doing good, exercise 4 to 5 days a week, however i stil have a discomfort in my chest sometimes, that concerns me, should I still be feeling this discomfort, I wonder how long will i feel this. 2. Most patients experience a full recovery from numbness a day or two following surgery. In August i had an aorta anyerism that dissected all the way down my aorta. I surmise that it is very painful, I cant imagine the pain he feels. Doc had me on a channel blocker which made me dizzy, foggy in the brain and disoriented. ), all the Data from Therapy / Rehab is textbook, constant progress, and a much better sense of well being again! Well, I matched 8/10 signs. I had diminished mental acuity for about 3 weeks after Surgery, at first I was very concerned, until the fog started clearing and I figured that it was due to the Anesthesia. I have, learned so much from reading all the posts and hope. It is normal to feel sore all over. No Afib, so much will hopefully improve. I cant seem to warm up then Im so hot I need to fan myself. Dr. Creighton Wright answered. While I am exercising 5-6 days a week, can keep up with 20 year olds on the basketball court and can steal bases in my baseball league, routine breathing is still a daily challenge. I was taken off the Vent 1 day post op and then had to be put back on the Vent for 7 days. Deep vein thrombosis on the left. All Rights Reserved. Initial surgery went well, although my left thigh has been numb ever since. When there was intense pain two days ago I have taken a homeopathic remedy digitalis 30. surgery 58 years experience. Typically the sternum is slit open in an open heart surgery which takes around 6 weeks to heal. Has any one had a pain in the left breast? Everything that has been said here in the comments all tie up as the normal healing process so I suppose we all have to be very patient and look after ourselves just a tad better than pre-op days Good luck everyone its not easy BUT I really dont relish the alternative Maz, I am at my 1 year anniversary and I am back to working out 5 days a week, however sometimes I still feel a discomfort in my chest, and that scares me sometimes, when to the emergency room last month, but God is good and everything cane out good. I hope by now you are having better daysthere will still be good days & bad days ahead you are not alone? July. Im so fortunate to be alive. 2009 Mar;80(1):34-50., (8) Emril DR, Zakaria I, Amrya M. Agreement Between High-Resolution Ultrasound and Electro-Physiological Examinations for Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in the Indonesian Population. Hello everyone, I am one of the youngest people on this blog but Im really glad to find an outlet to talk with others in similar situations. But Im trying to focus on all the good things in my life, of which there are many! Echo convinced me that the valves needed surgery. Methods: A total of 37 consecutive patients with coronary artery bypass graft surgery (all with left internal thoracic artery graft) who were attending a cardiac-related exercise program underwent a thorough examination. Thoughts? Again SLOWLY. Not yet cleared from rehab, not back at work because Im unable to stand longer than an hourI used to do 10 hour shifts on my feet before You have to tell yourself to hang in there & make it back cos you have to. Introduction: Both positive (burning, stabbing, and allodynia) and negative (numbness) neuropathic symptoms may arise after surgery but likely contribute differently to patients' postoperative pain experience. I have acute pain in my right side just in line with my right Armpit. Hi Marry, I am Vanna 29 years old. I have had pain, numbness, and constant soreness in my right breast. 12 visits total on Home Therapy, Outpatient Cardio Rehab 2-3 x/wk since then. She no longer wears the brace, has gotten sensation back, and has limited pain. I had the surgery 2 years ago and I am still experiencing pain in my sternum with every breath. I dont do much lifting. Heat and sun in sw florida is a killer. There will be good days and bad days. A lot of the pain and tightness comes when I try to roll over and sleep on my side. But fortunately there are moms like you. Linda. In most cases, numbness lasts for only a day or two after surgery. My cardiologist says that the problem is fluid buildup and will increase my lasixs but it doesnt resolve the problem much. I am not winded after walking, I am working out 1 hour 3-4 days a week and not stopping for anything but sipping water. Long story, shortened. It turned out my problems were congenital a bicuspid aortic valve and a related aneurysm of the aortic root. Not sure if the medications are causing a lot of probs or maybe the crystals in the ears have been disturbed causing the dizzyness as they rotate the body to get the airbubbles out of the heart when they reflush it. We chose an on-x valve for replacement as I was already on blood thinners for Afib. Great to read every ones experiences Im 64 smoked like a chimney most of my life so had all this coming .I am six months after my bypass. Hello, I was just wondering if other people have experienced sternum pain after open heart surgery. My Dad is 95 & I dont want him to have to bury me. Best wishes to all. And Im also walking about 5 miles a day, and I walk every day whether I feel like it or not. My scars healed quickly and are hardly visible today. I developed Pneumonia and a mess of other problems during that time. Never thought 5 months ago I would be talking about this but here I am. Cytokine. 2013;257(3):403412. 85 clinic locations offering non-surgical Regenexx solutions for musculoskeletal pain. Fast heart rate that didnt slow down for hours, and two days of discomfort in my chest. I have dropped over30 pounds since surgery 90 days ago, and I am working 5-6 hours a day. I am so thankful for Life and I pray that if you are feeling depressed consider talking to the Lord about it, perhaps reading some of the Psalms in the Bible. Anyone else having issues this long? Im on new meds, i have anxiety, but qlways did.. can someone tell me possibly why i shake. It may help to think of numbness and tingling as natural side effects of surgery. I havent slept more than a 4 hour stretch. The biggest struggles I have are temperature sensitive where I feel cold and then light headed and dizziness periodically, sometimes for hours. Here, Simon Kendall (heart surgeon) and Chrissie Bannister (heart surgery nurse) talk about some of the possible side-effects and complications that may happen after heart surgery. I hope you are progressing well and are feeling stronger each day. Every waking morning I feel so blessed! Im still having some days of discomfort. My dr. is planning on taking me off of it and prescribing something different. Computed tomography is an imaging test that uses X-rays and a computer to make detailed images of the body. Just taking it day by day. I'm really stressing over this and I'm hoping to gain some information on what I can expect. I put myself at about 85% of pre surgery and still improving. God bless ?? So last night during dinner, I started getting mild but intensifying pain between my shoulder blades and,after about an hour of that, my breath started coming in shorter breathsAs I had a single beer with my dinner, Im thinking its gasthe Wife thinking Our 30 year relationship was toast.!! Since you are young they might have given this. Even my fatty liver condition has reversed. Around 5 percent of the women who undergo breast augmentation will experience permanent nipple numbness after surgery. Anesth Analg. It's normal . Andr Simon, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon at Royal Brompton Hospital, tells us how heart surgery has developed during his 21-year career. What are some of the things that made you more comfortable? Taking several medications including Carvidilol that do cause dizzy spells but cant seem to get a consistent diagnoses and plan for the future. Sorry for jumping right in, and so. After 4 days, the nurse practitioner called an ambulance and sent me back to hospital. Finally to mention the team at Nottingham City Hospital Trent Cardiac Centre were fantastic, absolutely first rate led by my surgeon, Mr Naik. When you cross over 3 Months you will feel better. See over 200 patient comments. 2012;2(4):129131. Are you on pain killers? I just cant seem to get with the program and am very scared I will not be able to. Cause of breathless was hearts LVF % was very low 15% just. Overview. I guess the discomfort never goes away. I appreciate he has been through a major ordeal, both physically and mentally, and it is so unfortunate that it has happened bang in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis when life is in a turmoil for everyone. . I was in the hospital for 5 days. Also lost all normal taste. There are many cut on my body since the procedure change during the operation (the first procedure minimal invasive was not success so I had to do the open heart surgery one). He ordered an Echo, EKG. I had triple bypass 5 months ago and was also put on Metoprolol. How long did it take? I de idea to grab a cpl of Robaxicets muscle relaxants and go sit in my chair with my back seat and sufficient rent cushions to at least rest, if not sleep. Just wondering . (it was 100 degrees outside). Rest when you are tired. Yesterday I had a cath and they discovered a blockage in a V formed where the LAD arterial meets a lesser artery. This community is sponsored by WomenHeart, an Inspire trusted partner. I am an Eagle and Ranger scout in the B.S.A and used to enjoy rock climbing, hiking, kiteboarding, snowboarding and such. Upper body arm shoulder pain. Although i am much fitter now at times i get tired easy. My problems with brain are no more there and I am very happy. This means your surgeon makes smaller incisions to access your heart. I am scared to death to do this but i am at high risk so need to have it done. Leg Swelling. You may know how this feels. The one thing that has kept me really motivated to.hit all these goals is FAMILY, couldnt have done it without their support. I did use readers for reading but not very strong. Plast Aesthet Res. I know its kind of a reach, but I would love to SCUBA Dive again. 6. I am 46 years old and I am a sport person playing Football, Badminton, Table Tennis, Cricket etc I used to workout in Gym and weight Train in body building too(Until then no Sugar, BP, Cholesterol etc.Nothing as I used to regularly check), . No physical symptoms, and a 71 year old. it is so good to hear about others struggles when I am tired and my legs just wont go another step. I was recovering well but soon I became dizzy when standing with a slight slur and right hand coordination. Triple by pass on April of this year 2018.Could not have asked for a better out come. I still tire very quickly and feel like truly doing nothing at this point, everything is a struggle, some days not as bad but still a struggle. Recovery time after open heart surgery is about 6-8 weeks. Sometimes, numbness may occur with tingling or a "pins and needles" feeling. Age is 57 until a week ago strong and so much energy, it feels totally different now no energy average blood pressure is 160 over 78 heart rate around level is way down sleep a lot weak and can not put in a full days work.Any suggestions will help. I didnt find anyone on this blog who have had this condition. Hope this is reassuring. I ended up with a mini-OHS, with a tissue valve replacement and I am NOT on Cumedin because my mother died from Cumedin related symptoms. I have been force feeding myself, because I have absolutely no appetite, Someone tell me when will I begin to feel better. He now walks 20-25 miles/week with me (though at a relatively slow pace), and hes back to work (forensic work for the courts, which hes been able to resume via ZOOM). The condition has not changed in the 6 weeks since my surgery. The surgery helps blood make a detour, or bypass, around one or more narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. Im beside myself with worry and it feels like its completely taken over my life. I have been told that generally there is a month of healing for every hour of this type of surgery. In this procedure, which builds off our published work on treating spinal nerves with platelets, we inject the patients own platelet-derived growth factors that can assist nerve repair through cytokines like NGF, PDGF, and IG-1 (17,18). I find comfort in the 3 fs.Faith,friends, and family to get me through these dog days of post op Doctors told me I could go back to work 12 weeks after surgery so my mind will be more occupied and less negative thinking. Surgery raises the stakes since it also involves anesthesia and an incision. (Ok, well hows about a 5 Mile hike in Banff How long did you wait to get a mammo after OHS? Diane B, Hi all, its been very interesting reading all of the comments. Surgeons who work on the face understand the potential for nerve damage. Some days I nap for an hour or two after my 7AM Meds, some days Ill doze when watching TV in the evenings, some days no naps. I have good and bad days, but considering how Im just short of 5 weeks removed from the surgery, I feel, based on my progress so far, that the good outweighs the bad. Normal? Hey all. This basically gave her a dead leg. Heart is in great condition (no heart attack or damage) and veins from legs were great too. Take the surgery, prepare for six months rest and rehab and enjoy the next 15 years or more of your life. My mother had hers over 10 yrs ago & still gets them on/off but not frequent. I try to eat healthy and try to go the holistic/ natural way of life. Search Hospitals, Greg Lewis from I too take one day at a time. They just seem horribly difficult right now. This was the first time in my life that Ive been sick. I was in cumadin but my numbers went from one to nine, very irratic. ASRA practice advisory on neurologic complications in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. Did you experience any form of nerve damage after heart surgery. I get dizzy and have double vision at times. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. This becomes a bigger concern if a patient is placed in a hard cast or tight bandage. Id love to know where else to look for support/answers/advice/etc. it has been twenty weeks ? Black American Risks for Heart Disease and Stroke, Diagnostic Criteria for Familial Hypercholesterolemia, A Global Call to Action on Familial Hypercholesterolemia, My Journey with Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Heart Disease, We deserve better. Well I am 10 weeks out and most of the time feel pretty good, but I have those days like the last, Hi there, I am 6 days away from OHS to replace my mitral valve. Although I do have the scar and chest pains a lot of you have I feel after reading your stories this is pretty normal. Hi Vanna, Read my story above, just posted now. Cough continued for a total of 7 weeks. 2018;13(1):e0190589. Some of us might get up the top of a mountain, some of us might just enjoy leisurely walks.whatever our goals now just take it easy and enjoy it. the wound on my leg is taking for ever to get better its very sensitive and sore, i do not have chest pains just numbness which is ok. wishing all the best and keep healthy. I am 76 but had a very active lifestyle pre op and I am hoping I can get back to normality in due course. While having complications in recovery i had to go back into surgery and wass given a blood transfusion, platelets, etc. My primary care doctor tells me Im doing great. Hello folks, 13 years ago I had a porcine valve replacement and all went well, I had also had a single bypass, nerve block, pace maker and Aortic graft put in at the same time but this year the valve reached the end of its useful life. I walk 5 miles daily and participate in many other activities. The most popular is to take small hand weights about 1 or 2 lbs in each hand. I, too, suffer similar symptoms now post op open heart surgery 2 months. Thanks everyone for all of your comments. Thank you for sharing your story. Read More. I like cardiac rehab but I still dont feel 100 % and it is very frustrating especially when I see people in rehab that are so much older than I am, that are doing better. Now, I am on 4 medications Metoprolol, Rosuvatatin, Clopidogrel, and Aspirin. It went well, the mammary artery was harvested so no digging anything out of my leg and was home at the end of the week. Good luck and good health to all of you OHS survivors, Hi all, I am 50 year old & had my CABG for triple blocks 11 weeks before (Feb 1st,) . Around 6-8 weeks are expected for the bone to heal properly (without any complications), while recovery from an open heart is variable from person to person. NOTE: This blog post provides general information to help the reader better understand regenerative medicine, musculoskeletal health, and related subjects. I have found these comments so informative. Hi everyone, I will be eight weeks out tomorrow. But I will say. Well that didn't happen exactly. And it can last for hours or even days after surgery. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Taylor & Francis. Its very hard to make myself slow down, but pushing yourself too far has no benefits. Feel beat. The only problem I still have after almost 5 years is constant soreness and aches in the chest. Ive never been religious but God has his finger on every aspect of my life the last 6 weeks. A slight amount of facial nerve damage could affect a patient's ability to smile. Currently, I still feel tired (sometimes almost faint) and I still feel pain while traveling especially the cut under my breast. I found him! That left side numbness usually involves harvesting the left internal mammary artery (LIMA) that is very commonly used to graft to the left anterior descending (coronary) artery (also known as the widow maker.) By Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FN I had to reduce my work hours. My situatuion at 68 was very similar. I am at present on rather a lot of tablets as well. My heartfelt prayers go out to each of you for your journeys in recovery, I hope we all can find new Joy in living to replace the pain, suffering, and loss that our precious hearts must now endure. Nice of em, huh?! Use a heating pad or ice pack . And on Feb. 5th rhiz year i had a aortic aneurysm. This is known as fatigue. Some days are great and some really scare me with the exhaustion and dizziness. It was a long recovery.. at home I called my surgeon and was told they had no. This problem was a genetic problem and it shooted up suddenly. I just couldnt get strong enough. Not anything excruciating, and goes away right away. Now, straight armed and slowly lift your arms in front of you to shoulder height. after reading the many stories. No sugars, no booze, lots of veggies, beans, rice, some lean meat, eggs. I had OHS on Feb. 12, 2020. Is it possible for Barbara to not have any scar from the top of her sternum down to her cleavage within 7 months of her surgery? I thought I had a pinch nerve in my right arm. So, dont worry much about Bobs situation as he will come out of it. Unfortunately, no one told me about Pump Head. Unfortunately I have never received any replies to my previous posts. Its not uncommon to experience a pins and needles sensation around the chest, shoulder, and upper arm area as well. I have a cardiac tumor which I have been told is rare. She told me maybe I should see an. Dizzy spells are frequent. I didnt feel any pain or tightness as I was raking but a couple of days after I feel tightness across my chest. Though I havent had any drastic, or particularly uncomfortable side effects from the Meds, I met with my PCP and discussed changing/doing away with Meds if I can. My partner in in the hospital as well. An injury that cuts a nerve can also lead to numbness. But in physical therapy now for ten sessions and suddenly the last few days my upper chest hurts, also hurts when I deep breath. I have to keep my head above water & just keep trying to move forward regardless of how slow that may be. 7. Gradual: This means the butt numbness is worsening over time. -Periodical, yet consistent pounding in my chest. Im 39 years old and this was something unexpected. It is horrible and constant. Any information would be reassuring. My experience is like yours.. My PT & INR is in the same range and Im taking Acitrom 2mg (same like Walfarin). One of the biggest issues we see after surgery is scarring around the nerves (1). I do really appreciate everyone sharing their experiences. Expert Opin Biol Ther. Nicky, So nice to find this website! So, thank you everyone for sharing your stories! My faulty valve and aneurysm waited patiently until I was 60-years old to need replacement! Thats my goal. I have been out of the hospital for almost five months now and I can relate to every other comment above: pain, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, medicine, side effects, etc. In addition, the nerve is surrounded by a fatty sheath (myelin) that acts like an insulator covering a wire. I am a health care practitioner myself. The vessel is connected below the blocked heart artery. Over the past few months that feeling that you are describing has subsided significantly. 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