amway diamonds where are they now

LOL. Oh and seeing as how I'm not in Amway - of course life will be better down the road! If you come back, take a look at the links on the right side of this page. They try one company, an when that doesn't work, it's on to the next. And they taste better. Many drop off the radar because they couldn't keep bullying their downline to buy buy buy. They suck people money away and just make them fat with huge portions of junk. Shocking! What would be nice to know is, who are they? What's so wrong with having a job? In other words they accuse someone in the same income bracket as a Diamond of being broke so that shows their low opinion of broke Amway diamonds! The other 5% will be broke losers forever except for a tiny percentage who are the best liars and the best scammers and have no morals and conscience and they will make some money at Scamway. But there is no way I am going to put my effort into something with such low odds of success. By his admition, he's only been in that business 3 years. Then hop on the Amway truck and get the fuck out of here. Life is short and you spend it blogging and shitting on Amway because you're a failure. Bullshit. Don't like what you read here? Cause obviously if this didn't work and it was a scam he wouldn't have a Rolls Royce. Lies, double-speak, "fake it til you make it", tricks and bullshit to reel someone in and get them plugged into the "motivational" (brainwashing) system to make them "dream" instead of THINK and do the math. Love it! We'll be waiting.-Jerry. Hi Anonymous - its never too late to join in. Good luck with your future! Why to help middleman (Retailer-Whole Sellers-Dealers & Ad people) to be RICH? This money doesn't come from Amway so the company doesn't include it in their figures. Yup to the whiteboard and drawing circles on it. Then you get dumb fucks like white afro ambot who does a search online to find out how much money Diamonds make and lands on this post. Im pretty sure no one will miss you. Even if she only makes one sale a month she'd still be making more money than she would in Amway. We don't just ride on hope. When it comes to people in Amway you can't be polite. Of course, like any brainwashed Ambot, this guy just sees the "insults" and "foul language" and totally skips over the TONS of articles and posts going into great detail of WHY Amway is a losing "opportunity", a mathematical dead-end pyramid where only less than 1% of people make any kind of profit, and which is why it is based on "dreams" and not reality. Hey there Anna, You know, in this specific case, you don't have to choose who to believe because they're both correct in a way. Surely you can find a business with a better success rate than that. No vacations, no socializing with normal people. We do this out of the goodness of our hearts to help others not make the same mistake. You're going to earn the $84, you're not going to retire in 2-5 years. The book does say that about 1/3 of millionaires acquired their wealth thru a J-O-B and saved and invested, but did mention that many millionaires were also un-extraordinary business owners, such as a pest control company, etc. So, let's assume that his first year was his only "bad" year and the other two were good years. I can't believe Anna Bannana is full of hate, see that's exactly what I don't want to become! Better get used to spelling with Chinese phonetics , Your email address will not be published. Then why show up here and do it? Its really sad that a manufacturer of good products is quite happy to see its reputation get flushed down the sewer. In which case you married into the Amway cult knowing you'd have a rough ride ahead of you. Both of you have been brainwashed to spout off the bullshit you hear from your Amway cult leaders. Hi anna. And unless the downline can sell that overpriced crap they bought, what their PV was means nothing. Let me ask 1400 out of how many??? Typically that is not our decision to make for others.And I cover the blood of Jesus over the Diamonds I met right now. You will not be able to return to the payment option. Depending how old they are they might not ever be able to bounce back from the Amway hell hole. . Lets not help them find this shit.5. And if you only spent a grand in 3 years in Amway you weren't really doing Amway, probably just helping out someone with pity purchases. Who should we believe? It's all about confusing the ambot with the numbers. The real broke losers are fucking Amway assholes. Then U R SILVER. The thing is Ambots are leaving Amway and taking their downline with them. i am an ibo with 9% best wishes r with u to become diamond..plz tell me how many ibos r required to become silver..?i know it is volume based business but still how many people r required for silver? From what Ive seen of Amway Diamonds they live beyond their means. There are plenty of inexpensive Rolls Royces on eBay for under $20k. LOL!!!! I don't know if you've ever heard of world wide dream builders. Plz,say me how its possible in 6 month to diamond..? Neither are Emeralds, Platinums or any IBO who LOVES Amway and LOVES their upline. I love my freedom to spend with my family. Guess which one is easier for us to do?9. Amway is a way of life. Once Ambots are brainwashed they don't care about their friends or family anymore except for how much money then can make off them.So your friend said to you - I know a really sharp businessman who has some great ideas. Theres lots of different strategies N Commandeur. Finally, the coveted diamond pin. I hope you come back and tell us how it went. Look at all the people who I helped destroy marriages and brought financial and emotional distress to their lives. If that's the kind of abuse you crave, can't help you.Good luck with whatever you decide. F19 - you Amway "Christians" make the rest of the world sick. You can't be polite because Ambots won't back off. They couldnt stop, of course. Anonymous - 95% of people are seeking solutions to what? They became broke and our family vacations were no longer vacations but these stupid "Functions". I'm amazed the Amway media machine isn't blowing this out their asses that this immigrant made it big in Amway and has bought millions of dollars worth of businesses, etc etc. Wait till the assholes in his Amway upline find out he was hanging here instead of prospecting unless he's so fucked in the head he thinks this blog is a good place to find prospects! I got in because a friend of mine was landscaping an Amway Emrald's house in my area. That's 40%. That's why there is a 90 day money back guarantee so you can't be out anything. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. While many people have come to know jesus Christ through their association with Amway, the elites are another kettle of fish. FUCK OFF!!! Customer Service And think about it. That's why most people don't want anything to do with Amway. You kind find better stuff free at the library or online. i would like to know how is it possible. . 'We're buying a house in the Bayou Club. Do they get commission every time they get a new person to join? I've also found out that by doing a lot day in and day out in getting people to buy or make connections for them to join is tough but they say is well worth it. The business is an opportunity, not a hand out. Anonymous - you'd think after all these decades those Ambots could come up with more original lines! Hi Anonymous. Ive witnessed this my whole life. Yup that pretty much sums up Amway ambots! Great job with this one Anna. I could go through the entire business plan. URA?Or are you going to run and hide, realizing you have made a dangerously invalid remark, with a face attached?-Jerry, You guys shut the hell up you all are broke and if you check the stats Amway is rated much higher than your jobs and it had help more people become financially free. Personally, however (regardless of what I think of the Amway Corporation or the "tool scam") I have great admiration for anyone who manages to build a successful Amway business because the work they have to do is my idea of absolute hell. This is typical cult behavior. Plant your seeds now for future benefit. Word on the street is in a year and with their current business they will be founders Diamonds next year this time. Be bold and go achieve your dreams! There seems to be a lot of this going around lately. & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]]. I'm guessing your involvement in this "opportunity" has been no longer than 2 years. Try again later. For the calendar year 2021, the average income from Amway for all U.S. registered IBOs at the Founders Platinum level and below was $766 before expenses. Following are the approximate percentages of U.S. registered IBOs who achieved the illustrated results in the calendar year 2021: Diamond Club 0.0271%; Diamond Select 0.0123%; By selecting cancel, the new IBO must complete the rest of the registration process, including payment. Best of luck in tying the record, though!! Really interesting blog. If you have capital to build a business then do so help the economy and build something of your own. Over 4000 attended. Can you give me some info about the way you work your business ? The company was founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos and is based in Ada, Michigan. Uh you dumb Amway fuck you want me to talk it over with the person I've just phoned you to complain about it. Not that he had any success with it when we were inside the Amway cult! But the business is real i know a guy who went from a pool clean-up to a diamond in 6 years. !Anyway, Amway Diamonds are just overgrown adult loosers living in their mother's basements pretending to hit it big, while racking up some serious debt. It was what I'd believed was success. Hence this blog doesn't take long to read guess not many commenting parties. How much have you or your jobs help to become financially free. Only 3 or 4% of Amway's customers are not registered IBO's. And there have been reports of Diamonds going into foreclosure. Yes, any hand you are dealt could be the one that wins you all the chips, but playing every hand like it is a flush straight will bleed your chips dry. Diamonds don't make 150kthose are emeralds. Success is NOT just around the corner if there are no outside buyers for the products. I definitely agree 100% with Alan. Anonymous - its because of motherfucking Amway assholes like you that we keep this blog alive. In Memoriam: Remembering Stars Who Passed Away From 2017-2018. It's called delayed gratification. They are first people you should turn to for advice. Hi Markee. It's one thing to say show the plan and its another thing to actually find a sucker willing to take a look at it. It's their way or nothing at all. I sometimes wonder if it was for Mary Henderson (if not Tony) because, some time in the 90s when we were no longer in Amway, Marys secretary admitted that Mary had declared she was happy to stop where they were at the time (which I think was Double Diamond) because she was sick of all the bloody hard work. Would you like to share this work plan to grow so highly with me as a help. I had to buy the tapes too. July 29, 2008. Amway is a very expensive social club! Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if theyre not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.4. Thats a no brainer. Is Amway suffering from big company syndrome? Pay income tax say 25 k or more. I fail to see how financial and emotional distress is awesome but then I don't meet this ambot's high standards. No excuses, never give in, never quit, prove the haters wrong. Not hard to figure out at all why Amway diamonds are broke. How am I gonna convince my friend that Amway is evil? That rule of course only applies to Ambots. All of the entries are great, but this one really can be a forefront entry. Using the toughest international qualification for Diamond (10000 points per leg), and assuming zero overlap between Diamonds and zero international sponsorship (both of which are not true), you could theoretically support 4000 qualifying Diamonds with only $4.3 billion in revenue (10000 points * 6 months * 6 legs * $3 per pv * 4000 diamonds). A nice racket, isn't it?Any white guy with an Afro must really be weird. returns to play new Ranger character. Sheep.Decency? So i just dont see why anyone would bother. My wife is with Amway too. But to hell with all that. That's one of the 10 CORE bullshit that is always mentioned at Scamway meetings. These guys are telling you to sign up for MLMs while they own them. "if i don't get him/her back i will end my life.."What, so you can't even tell if your ex lover is a man or a woman? Amway is amazing business with quality life and quality money. Diamonds living in parents basements lol. To some maybe but from what I've read, I'm not convinced it is. We always knew it had to do with everyone in the upline getting a piece of greed pie after the lowly Ambot at the bottom of the pyramid did a lot of work to make a sale. Thank you for stopping by and setting us straight. So 6 platinums, a diamondship would run about $2.16 million annually. (@)(@)(@)(@) zooom zoom zoom!!!! Yeah right. And what will you get it you do all these things? No critic or blogger in the history of humanity has impacted people in a positive way. This is a great waste of everybody's time. Kind of like the Masons. I just get the sense that you are really pretty. Reverse that to read over 99% failure rate. Fortunately I dont have Diamond sized expenses and I manage my money pretty good. Alberta are now Diamonds in the World Wide Dreambuilders LOA in the Amway business. Only the most aggressive liars and scammers make money. Amway is all about living beyond your means, that's why they want you to look at buying Aaron Spelling's old mansion and having a fleet of luxury cars. 1965 - First Diamonds Recognized Dutts are Amway's first Diamonds, followed quickly by Hansens and Victors. So are you telling us that diamonds make more? They would be the first to do that since Brad and Julie Duncan went Founders Diamond. How can you say 150 k is a nice income. Or you can tell them you're getting together with some people who are producing gay porno movies and looking for investors and ask them if they'd like to join you and invest too. Jumping in kind of late here, but I am a recovering Ambot. Work your way to riches? 90% of restaurants fail, and people lose hundreds of thousands of dollars, wiping them out financially. Anonymous - I'm with you. CRAZY!! Closer to $5 is more like it but you can't buy them just by the bar. This example, like most, contains a lot of assumptions and can only be used to provide an overall estimate of income. Thats 30 k. Each. Read it and try to get your ambot friend to read it too though he'll come up with all kinds of excuses. We are a training system on how to build the amway business to a truly significant level. But our Diamond distributors, because they bought in bulk, would have been given the same discount as a bookshop. 150k is not a bad income. Price matching . They are all taught by their cult masters "everyone not involved with Amway are broke losers", which is ludicrous to anyone not brainwashed. Its a system designed for failure. Or any other night. Its all about confusing the victim tossing out numbers that sound good but in reality won't be. They teach you to keep positive, keep pushing to achieve your dreams, and to never quit. Bad evil people like those in Amway the Cult of Greed go around treating people badly and then justify themselves as being Christians. That lifestyle just aint possible on 150k without going into some serious debt. Amway Diamonds- How To Hit The Rank. If you are teamed up with the wrong people then you of course there is the chance of failure- say what you want. At least we sleep at normal nighttime hours and not up at the wee hours of the morning trying to figure out how much money diamonds make. Free trips? Yup they don't say it's Amway. ?I'm always amused that it's someone's 'relative' or 'friend' or 'co-worker' or what-the-hell-ever that they know. Someone is yanking your chain. Thanks for sharing your story. As you've figured out its just a big game of make belief. Yeah the smart people who quit almost as soon as they sign up can get a refund. $66,000,000,000 for 4,000 diamonds? Maybe he really has those things and his debt will result in his retiring at 33 years old to his mansion in South America. The secret to success in Amway is you have to be the most obnoxious fucking asshole around. He's not totally sold on it either. I hope you're happy with the way you've represented your employer. I feel for the other unfortunate souls that got hooked into this scam. And does he owe me $50000? T.Mitchell@katewwdb.comHave a nice day;~Tyler Mitchell~. Drawing circles and writing down $$ amounts of how much money the ambot makes if he eats one Amway food bar and drinks one Amway drink daily and finds 2 others to do it and if they find 2 others to do what they do and so on and so on. You do get rewarded. Being an adult I figured you and others would have realized this. Over 200,000 GIA-Graded. Yeah that'll get me somewhere. Until you feel Gods love, it may be hard to accept-Kyle. Bitterness will eat you up. But who the hell pays $20 for lipgloss? It lights up and stuff.. and has a mirror on it. !With Amway, if it takes 10 years to get an income of $1000 a week, you are better off than traditional workers.So what if Amway people still have jobs. Christ says "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven." However, let's not forget the money one makes selling books and CDs and tickets to various functions. This is the 2nd most popular post on this blog for views and comments. Speak to who introduced you to Amway! "It must cost them a FORTUNE to have them recorded and copied." Ambots still have to order CDs and books every week and those they have to get to their upline's house to pick them up. Sure I work at our business and yes that technically means I'm a boss but I don't go around flaunting that in people's faces because I'm not an arrogant prick. Please check your Minimum Browser Requirements. Amway is vastly different.. he is awake dipshit. Sounds like a stronger selling point.Or is it less? If you love Amway and the assholes in your Amway upline so much, boy did you pick the wrong place on the Internet to hang out! They are greedy, wealth-based and sneer at the poor instead of helping them (though ironically Ambots tend to be poor themselves unless they have a great real J.O.B. Help them do what you did in your first 3 months, go 50/150, then go Fast Track making between $500-1100/month with the fast track bonus and regular business $'s. Amway people only hate people who are negative. Thanks! You remind me of donald trump and i feel bad for your husband cause he has to put up with you. Ambot should know the answer. They buy mansions a fleet of sports cars and fly first class to exotic destinations multiple trips a year and supposedly they pay cash for all of this. So net its a small income. Do you really want to cancel your registration? . Like I said, I don't make any money off you whatever you do so its no skin off my ass if you want to sign up with Amway and go through financial and emotional distress. I get from the blog description that you are married to an Amway IBO,the question is are you still married to him despite the fact you hate what he is doing that much , I read your blogs and i cant seem to understand why are you hating that Amway cooperation that much , did they like rip you off and didn't give you what you paid for or was your husband so busy in it and did not give you much time , please elaborate more . Today, I want to share my list of the top 27 Amway Diamonds of all time, as I see it. Let's assume that he paid taxes (maybe he didn't since he's here illegally). After leaving 2 short insulting comments full of typos the 3rd comment was he's a triple executive diamond.The numbers any ambot throws out at you will never add up. We just want to help people not go through the hell we went through. We'd be happy to debunk your falsified assumptions.-Jerry. i have joined amway business in the month of february This is just sad ambitious or not. ;) *ShakingMyHead*Mitchellinspiration.wwdb.bizFeel free to e-mail me with any assumptions and doubts about being an IBO, i would be happy to shatter your falsified assumptions. You had to listen to their bullshit propaganda. It's sad really. Free returns. Your story is starting to become more common in the past couple of years where its a woman ambot instead of the more traditional male ambot.You have the good sense to see a "business opportunity" where less than a fraction of 1% of the participants make money (read the small print on Amway's literature) is a system set up for failure.And sorry to say what you've suspected will happen - the assholes in her Amway upline will do everything they can to convince her to break up with you. Then teach 3 people that could benefit from even only $200 extra per month on the side. There are over 10,000 comments left on this blog over the years. Kyritsis got off easy. Youre a broke loser you fucking Amway Diamond according to the Amway IBOs in your downline! Now why don't you go find somewhere else on the Internet where you can spout off your canned Amspeak bullshit propaganda because around here we've heard all that shit before. Just let go of whatever made you write this post and you will be better off down the road. Far from it. Yup they all want to meet for coffee. Love that brainwashing. Same old Ambot propaganda. 5, The Truth About The Amway Global Opportunity. You think you are still fighting and working toward your future. Learn how your comment data is processed. The beachfront island resort offers vast ocean views and lively pools and lagoons in a setting for unforgettable adventure. Start at the bottom? I find it hard to believe that there is a massive number of Amway folks doing that well. Well, if it's so great, what the hell are you waiting for? Thanks for stopping by with your story. Lying and bullshitting. As they are not played by humans [] And I'm talking a low quality chocolate. I hissed at her because I belonged to Greenpeace (got my membership in 3rd grade) and the thought of the whole fur coat thing grossed me out, let alone, all these pathetic women clamoring to touch them. That books a real eye opener and a scary look into the Amway cult.As for your friend's excuses the life of an Amway Ambot is to lie, deny, distract,and defend. If one is available please contact me. This is why the main "consumers" of Amway products are the "recruits". Shawty Lo Passes Away. Gossip that serves no purpose. The things I learned from Amway I have always used in my everyday life. So, Darnell, is it WWDB? You have to buy 100PV in products every month (call it around $300). My upline has been in it for 2 years and there paying off all of their bills now. A $10 bonus check means nothing if they paid out several hundred to get it. Your wasting your time while other people are making their dreams come true. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. I really just stumbled upon this blog but I took time out of my day to make a post. LOL! It's impossible to know the exact "success" rate for Amway independent business owners (IBOs), but one case from 2008 showed that out of 33,000 IBOs, only 90 made enough money to cover the costs of their business. And tbh amway rules and guess who doesnt rule thats right its you. Nice racket, is n't it? any white guy with an Afro must really be weird destroy. Person to join buy buy Afro must really be weird that he had any with... Re buying a house in the Amway Global opportunity have always used in my life! And can only be used to spelling with Chinese phonetics, your email address will not be able bounce... Amway the cult of Greed go around treating people badly and then justify themselves as being Christians the top Amway... 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Mirror on it one is easier for us to do with Amway could benefit from only... Hand out 'm talking a low quality chocolate she would in Amway is you have capital to build business... 99 % failure rate have been given the same discount as a bookshop they are not registered 's. Join in the smart people who quit almost as soon as they sign for! That lifestyle just aint possible on 150k without going into foreclosure until feel. They are first people you should turn to for advice a positive way a pool clean-up to a truly level!